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The Great Chase

I passed the information on to Jayla and Myla. “You have to keep this a secret. If this information leaked I will be dead.” Unfortunately, the basketball team is practicing for their home game in a few days before their long road trip. Thus, Jayla called Kenney over while Myla told him the whole think. I have to leave and fast.

I bolt out of the gym and look past GCAM-S who is deep in TikTok trance and run through the front door where Jeff and other seniors are playing soccer. The ground is muddy, but I do not trip. In my haste, I left my backpack in the school which contains sensitive information stored on the computers. “Hi JEFF!!” I callout while bolting past the football field.

Pulling a mini telescope from my pocket, I peered across the school grounds to the far side. Damien hadn’t approached yet, so I spun around, scanning the horizon. According to rumors, there was a hidden garden behind the forest. I made a beeline for it, my mind replaying previous chases, including SSA’s greatest moment when we faced our greatest threat in seventh grade.

Back then, a rival student had been following me, forcing the agency had to intervene. I entered the gym and picked up a ball and started playing with it. Unfortunately, my rival spotted it and started having the student chased me around the school. Somehow, she turned my allies in Maverick, along with the rest of the student body to pursue me  for the ball. Nonetheless, despite the odds, I escaped the 30 to 1 kids in quest for the ball. Later in the year, the agency got mor involved and noticed when she was around and marched towards her as she tried to create some type of movie about me.

Next, the fish and minnows game I played at school flashed through my mind. Against all odds, down to the final two students, I ducked and dodged through the gym I knew so well. Now, I was face-to-face with another student, sharks closing in behind me, his arm outstretched. I sprinted forward, diving under his arm, and made it to the other side. Memories of the chases at Liberty Prep, fleeing from Team Nikka, also raced through my mind. I snapped back to reality. I was being exiled, running with no connection to the government and no protection. The fall of SSA could be imminent.

I sped toward the other sideline, past the 30 yard line and angling towards the endzone. TOUCHDOWN!!! I quickly pass the opposing teams bleachers and head into the woods. Panting, I opened up CSM on my phone. “@TheTechBoy: I’m in my FIRST EVER spy chase!!!” I posted before quickly switching to Operation Silver’s intel document.


SSA intel has intercepted information that Damien is attempting to date Summer (11th grade). Summer is apparently ‘desperate’ and ‘looking for a relationship’ so this could get interesting. SSAintel plans on monitoring the situation. If need be we may implement Opp. Last chance. 

GCAM(S)has probably sent a message in their digital global communications network meaning GCAM is probably alerted of the situation. SSA must brief special agent Jayla of the situation post haste.  

I save the document while taking notes about this situation to prepare a report. SSA knew about Summer and we were prepared, upping our interception capabilities, what wasn't GCAM prepped? I hear screaming and yelling outside. Meanwhile, Damien is on the prowl. He tracks down Kenney inside and forces the information out of him.

Bursting through the doors, Damien yelled, “WHERE’S ETHAN?!” He stormed up and down the sidelines, calling my name. “ETHAN! ETHAN! I SEE YOU!” My heart pounded as I stayed hidden behind the forest. Was it a trap? Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Damien must have gotten my location from the gaggle of kids who saw me bolt and came to my ‘aid.’

I darted out of the woods, zigzagging across the field to avoid him. He chased me relentlessly, but neither of us crossed the bleachers. Eventually, practice pulled him back. I sent an SMS and video to Nathaniel, but a student approached to inform me the principal was looking for me. Reluctantly, I headed back toward the school, walking slowly. Could my streak of not getting in trouble be over? Would I have to turn over SSA documents to the school and my parents? Would the agency suffer a shutdown like it did back at Energizer? Thankfully, my allies in GCAM-S claimed to be the principal to draw me out and hopefully save me!! Did they actually use their power for good??

GCAM-S tries to signal me to sit down, but we are too out in the open. I sprint towards the  home locker room and hide inside of the second layer, the equipment room. I hear footsteps through the first doorway and banging on the locked door. The voices say that its GCAM-S. I am suspicious, but after verifying I unlock the door. Everyone is talking so quickly and they try to talk to me but we break down in communication. Summer is talking so fast and GCAM-S wants an explanation. “We want to help you but you have to tell us what’s going on.” “You cant be in other people personal business like that,” Maria exclaims. I plead, “Summer, this involves you. Damie wants to date you.”  Instead of listening the leave me stranded not wanting to find a good place to hide me, or even distract the rivals.

Why couldn’t they see the importance of the situation?! After they left, Clarissa accidentally left the door unlocked. Moments later, Damien and Aiden stormed in. Desperately, I searched for a hiding spot. Spotting an upright rug, I squeezed inside. “ETHAN! ETHAN! I KNOW YOU’RE IN HERE!” Damien shouted. My phone muted, I stayed silent as Damien peered over the door and failed to spot me.

I am as quiet as possible and set my phone on mute. Damien tries the door. “Its locked!!” I don’t think he’s in here, Aiden exclaims. Damien stands on the bench and peers over and doesn’t see anything. Then a football hits me almost exposing the rug. More balls pelt around me like cannon fire in the battle of fort Mc Henry, but like the flag, the rug was still there!!! Finally, Damien jumps over the wall and unlocks the door then and tries to unwrap the rug while Aiden stands guard at the inner door. As Damien approaches, I spin out of he rug and run towards the door, quickly running through it as Damien amount catches me I then lock the outer door behind me and run and back outside and wait a bit.

I jet upstairs and search locker-room, my locker, and even creep back downstairs to the gym in search for my missing backpack. I crawl under the bleachers to not be seen during the practice but have to resort to zigzagging through it. I eventual find it and brief Nathanael on the situation. I plan a transmitter on the bleachers where GCAM normally sits in hopes of communication with them.

I burst through the front door and head towards the river to hide behind a bush. I attempt to communicate with GCAM, but not understanding the gravity of the situation, where the fate of the free school hung in the balance, transmitted unhelpful and insulting messages. “This line has been disconnected.” “Geneva says that you are the worst agent.” “I’m sorry I can’t hear you.” I attempt to make contact with special agent Nathaniel again, no good.

I spot a teacher with Nathanael and give a recap. Then, I head towards the gas station with another student, safe at last, but in serious ally trouble. 


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