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SSALTW Glossary:


               Ethan Shay: Leader of the free school and Glory High student rep, GNN director, and director and President of SSA/Room16b.

               Allison: President of Glory High.

               Jayla: Ally of Ethan Shay is a neutral person in jVn. Featured on GNN and is SSA consultant. Rising power in the school.

               Nadelie: Friend of Jayla and rising world power.

               Denver: Ethan’s 9th grade backed rep and tentative ally of SSA. Involved in Operation Flying Monkey and appointed Rep by Rep. Shay.  

               Molly: Investigated by SSA for smacking Denver in the face with a shoe. VP candidate beat by Geneva and defeated in the Battle of the Goldfish by SSA.

               Valerie: Cunning smart SSA frival. Sometimes violent she teams up with Molly. Once stalled a class for 25 minutes.

               Geneva: VP of Glory High SSA allied and in GCAM. GNN co-star.

               Ava: Sectary of State, GNN co-star.

               Maverick Shay: SSA agent who is not as forceful as Ethan. Friends with Denver.  

               Nathanael: Undercover agent for SSA. Spies on Denver and Maverick

Hazel: Fmr world power nuked by Valerie in WWV.


                 ’22 Election Ethan Shay battles liberal candidates for control of Energizer high. The campaign turns towards a 'religious right' war, with Shay taking the position of pro-Christianity.

                '23 Election: Ethan Shay battles Allison and Vera for control of Glory High. Election based on policy due the the shared belief in Christianity.

               Operation Flying Monkey: An event to extract information about Mavrick and Hazel. Gave precedent for amending SSA laws to allow Denver to be set up with Nadelie as an official SSA operation. Ended with pizza given to the agency by Nadelie and then given to Denver in exchange for information thus ending the setup deal. This mission gives precedent to the JNC property and defines HS geopolitics.

               The Great Split: GCAM splits from jVn

               Battle Of The Goldfish: A decisive battle where SSA defeated Molly and Valerie when defending Denver from aggression. Part of the short SSA/Molly war.

               SSA/Molly war. War was declared after the Battle of Goldfish and after she smacked Denver in the face with a shoe.  

               WWV: World WAR V when Valerie nuked Hazel and established herself as a major power in the school.              


               SSA: Global spy and political power headed by Ethan Shay. Involved in spy cases since 2014. 

               GCAM: Coalition of Geneva, Clarissa, Amala, Ava, Maria. Stylized as 

               Sorta allies with SSA and is chosen by SSA to help lead the school. Controls the KEY international chat network and information access SSA desires.

               jVn: Formed as a response to GCAM. Key members consist of Jayla, Nadelie, and Vera, while they have an alliance with some 10th grade boys, and lose ties to President Allison, and SSA.  

               Allison-backed: President Allison-backed allies include Molly, Valerie, some of 10th grade and jVn.


               Energizer High: High School attended by Ethan Shay for 2 years. Pivotal ’22 election was held there as well as robotics competitions.

               Liberty Prep: Shays Middle School for 1yr develops anti-crush doctrine after battling Nikki and land and in space.

               Glory High: Ethans HS for 1yr. Most of the stories are based here.


    CSM: Evangelical news website and social network. Ethan's handle is @thetechboy and he battles @noon on it who nearly threatens his business. 

    Teen dating is a threat to national security. One of the core policies of SSA.  

    GCB: Good Christian Boy branding the policy towards Energizer and to an extent, Glory High, being 'above evil' and adding Christianity to everything. 


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