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Ethan Shay4GCA: A Presidential Transition Project

 SSA Spy Base Room 16b Lv 5 Secure

     Intel reports have come in showing that President Allison may leave the school. SSAINTEL is preparing a report on the state of the school the the potential probabilities of this event happening. The EthanShay4GCA is secretly re-gearing up their campaign, holding off on GCAM negotiations for information exchange, and will help them gain influence in the school.

1.        Presidential Succession

a.        StuGov may give the job to VP Geneva and there will be an election of a new VP. If true we expect to see Fmr VP candidate Molly, and Fmr, POGUS candidate Vera run. Molly has been sidelined by a resurgent SSA but could garner votes from Geneva voters. Likewise, Vera may have learned from the mistakes of her 1st campaign and could gain more votes in an election with weaker candidates. Thus making inroads with jVn, strengthening 9th and 12th grade support is pivotal.

b.        Alternatively, StuGov may vote internally on this election. SSAPolling shows that SSA has a slight lead with all 5 GCAM votes going to Ethan rather than Molly and Vera, Molla and Vera voting for themselves, and Denver votes going to Ethan. The rest of StuGov candidacy would be swing voters but a 7-1 or 7-2 lead should be insurmountable for the challengers.

                                                                                              i.        Unless Clarissa runs then getting the swing votes would be important due to GCAM flipping toward her side.

2.        POGUS Election

a.        In this hypothetical Election, Geneva, Vera, Molly, and Ethan would all run. Geneva would garner the all-important GCAM vote while SSA would gain 9th grade and hopefully 12th grade support. In the battleground grade Molly could use her connections to Valeria to ‘sway’ voters toward her end either via bribery or nuking kids popularity or by reporting that SSA actually charged people to come to games and pay for snacks (helping the economy) and cracked down on theft. Vera would get the jVn votes.

                                                                                              i.        If only in StuGov then the same applies as POGUS Succession section b.

The Ethan Shay4GCA campaign will keep the campaign undercover for now, hoping to gain the greater than 50% threshold in December. The SSA Department of Defense will commission a full report on the geopolitical ramifications of President Allison's withdrawal. Until then, Strength Through GNN!!!

Internal Press conference

"Rep Shay, what are the chances that you win this election?" 

    "Very high. We have spheres of influence in every major group and belive that the swing grade will vote in our favor."

"How important is it to keep Molly from winning."

    "Very. No Shoesmackers controlling prom."

"In the report, you mention a 'deal' with GCAM what do you want?"

    "GCAM is exhibiting somewhat isolationist tendencies while they control global intelligence on this cold proxy war. SSA needs this vital intel; consequently, GCAM also appears to be the best group to continue OP Friendship and a plan is in the works for a planned summit. 

"SSA has taken a very anti-teen dating stance, anti-dance stance, will this affect legalization?"

    "This Administration works for the people. The people want a dance they will get a dance. The full force of StuGov+GNN will combine to get the students what they want. Thank you!!" 


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