New Life World Power: Pt 2


A kid holding a flag that says student body president

0750hrs GCA Auditorium Aug 29th 2023 

Hi Bixby, Tape A Voice Note: "After a slight issue with the QR code I give up on the website idea and just make the link on my phone. end note."

I ran around the school and show the QR code to the students. After a few minutes, about 60% of the high school has seen the video. I received good feedback from the videos and felt good about my chances. 

History Class 2nd Period

“And now class we will begin working in groups to make a personal state Constitution.” I’m paired up with Geneva and a few other kids and I start typing our constitution to make the state a great Christian place. It gets ratified by most of the class and beats all the other Constitutions the other groups made becoming the law of the land!!! 

“You seem to know what you are doing,” says Geneva. 

Yeah, I have actual political experience. Um, yeah. I read the news, especially CSN it has its own social site (CSM) and everything!!! I think I would be a great president for the school. “I’m running for VP but I’ll see if we can work together.  

Bible Class 12:10hrs

I check the list and see that a new person put their name underneath the list for president. Allison. A student in the class also running for VP tells me that every girl in the school would vote for her. I learned that doing some calculations would be devastating for my chances. The social media photos are incorrect, This school has a 60-40 split in favor of the girls. 

As soon as 12:20 hits, I race into the lunchroom meet every kid again, and get their support. I make promises I know I can keep like attempting to bring a college fair, having tons of FUNraisers, and always listening to the school. I take a mental note to change my video script into a speech for the school using an Artificial Intelligence computer program.  Then I run into my political rival. 

     “Hello, Ethan” “Yes.” “Well, you are not going to get many votes.” “Oh? We’ll see about that.” Driven with a new passion to destroy Allison and win the election. This kid is the same person for that table that looked ‘clique.’ I go over there and find out more about my competition.

Hi Bixby, Tape A Voice Note, "Allison has been at this school for 12 years and already has some established voters. We will need something new and exciting to beat her."

Study Hall:

Hi, my name is Ethan and I would like you to vote for me. Multiple students voice their approval. Then I approach Clarissa. “Hi Ethan, my name is Clarissa, why should I vote for you.” After giving her the rundown of my ideas, she is satisfied and promises to vote for me. Unbeknownst, to me societal forces outside of my control were going to force an interesting outcome. 

Texting Network:

“Geneva did u hear about the new kid Ethan Shay?”

“The new kid behind the Ethanshay4GCA campaign?” 

“Yes. Him. Do you believe he has a chance to win and bring change to the school? Can he...ya know...

“I do. We must support him. I still believe that you can win though.”

“They may be confused by the messaging though. Well, let's watch and wait.” 


Using the AI Program and some Good old-fashioned writing, I finish writing my campaign speech. Early the next morning I print it out from my mobile device and place it in my backpack. 

Lunchroom 12:30 

(Inner press conference) EthanShay4GCA is picking up proverbial steam. The video has hit 40 views!!! This is like the stories of old!!!, as in 2016. Morrie Rydell’s manager and Emily’s presidency, I’m not being asked weird questions, and almost 20 students have pledged to vote for me. In the USA you need 270 to win, in GCA you need 27 to win!!!

“ALL ELECTION CANDIDATES MAY GIVE A SPEECH AT THIS TIME IF THEY WANT TO!!” I quickly pulled out my speech and ascended to the stage to the goring audience when the fire alarms blared due to a ‘testing’ exercise joking that this ‘testing’ was collusion.

However, I ascended the stairs and gave my speech. “I embody the values of GCA……lets leave a legacy on the school…, I will poll to the school and implement your ideas, wants, and desires, I will implement FUNrausers throughout the school!!  God bless you and God Bless Glory Christian Academy!!!.” I received a loud round of applause. Wish I had my decibel meter application on me. 

After another candidate went up I made a mental note of that campaign's message. Then, Allison steps up to the stage. “I have been here for 12 years and I promise to bring a dance to the school, and I have a good relationship with the teachers…..” This went on for a minute as I awkwardly stood to the side, watching, waiting. I was glad I had a speech prepared just in case. Ethan 1 Allison 0. 

As I walked into the lunchroom, I could see I had the support of my peers.  The rest of the day I answered questions and fielded an alliance with Geneva. Multiple kids pledge their support for me after I explain my ideas of FUNraisers and how I will bring fun things to the school that raise money for causes the students support.            

Texting Network:

“Wel well wel Geneva that new kid did well for himself”

“lol yeah big shock ” 

“You did well as well. Is he planning on voting for you?”

“Yes, he planned an alliance with me.”

“Well it seems like we have a ⅔ chance.”

SSA Tech Deck Aug 31 2023

(Internal press conference According to my calculations, there are about 50 kids at the school which means I need about 20 kids to win. Let's ask this AI program to run some simulations for me and prepare me to evade questions. ) I prepared myself using the generative chatbot and made a post on CSM. I also racked my brain of how the 3rd competitor would help my campaign. 

SSA it appears that you need 27 votes to win, do you have that? Not yet but we are working hard on that.Moreover,as in the last election we reported suspicious activity but it was

@TheTechBoy I made it. I hope I win cause it's my last chance if I don't. The election is tomorrow. 

@Noone God Has greater things planned for you.

@Charissa❤️puppies Yayy go tech!!!

Today is election day. I secure my alliances with people and go over the questions in my head again. Just in case. My campaign video has almost 42 views which would be about 80% of the school's. 

In science class, Geneva starts handing out donuts for her election campaign. 

During my first ever chapel service I am extremely nervous. I found out there are 50 students in the school and that could throw off my calculations!! I do a count of the students in the chapel trying to calculate my chances. I shake all throughout the singing. I spy on my competitor who looks oddly calm.  After the service, it is election time. Then disaster strikes. 

I feel good about my chances. I have talked to almost every high school student and they seem to like my video and are glad that I am reaching out on a personal level. The only kids I have not really gotten to know were the international kids due to a language barrier. I do some calculations and think I have about 40% of the vote. In a three-way race with Allison and Vera.

I had hoped to activate crush theory but there was not enough time. However, I was developing SSAs new superweapon the nuclear bomb if the 21st century, the rizz ray.

Hoping there is no fraud like in the last election I hear the teacher call out to the students. 

 I fill out the paper ballots thinking about last year's digital election. Thankfully all my base is in the lunchroom unlike last year when some of my base missed out on voting, due to a school project. 

As I look down the ballot, I see Geneva and vote for her, then I see other people and randomly vote for them. I then observe the table where voting happens and pace nervously.     


I go to bed tomorrow and wake up excited but nervous. I don’t campaign as much but I do walk over to Geneva during morning announcements. 

“Im nervous. Are you nervous?” “Not really, I am sure you will do great.” After ascending the stairs to go to the classes, I learn that the votes have not been counted yet. After stressing through the class and running updated calculations in my brain it is time for my first chapel at GCA. 

I am super jittery during chapel and I notice that Allison is calm. After finishing the session disaster strikes. Allison and her team have unleashed my arch-rival, candy bribes. I did not even know if this was legal!!! The other candidate, Vera has also handed out candy. I raced around the lunchroom doing damage control saying you could accept the candy while still voting for me. 

The next day the results were in at lunchtime. The impossible had happened. The candy and years likely caused a ‘major’ swing, 5 kids could change the vote by 10% so even one kid was a major percentage. However, Geneva won VP and I won student rep. I had ‘lost’ but my team had won. I had also skyrocketed into GCA's elite know as that smart kid who made a vieo and hot to know every candidate.

This set the stage for a major political alliance in the school setting the stage for our new political future. #SSALTW!!


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