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On Land: On Series Pt 1

Glory Church September 2023:

    The school-linked church sponsored an event at the church. I thought this would be a simple event but it launched the largest geopolitical/spy partnership the school had ever seen. 

  See as a policy, SSA was anti-teenage dating, it was in the SSA Constitution for crying out loud!!! A certain agent related to me was suspected of having a crush on someone. An internal SSA investigation with the help of undercover agents revealed that the person the crush had blonde hair and was in 10th or 11th grade. 

    I arrived on the church campus scanning the crowd for my news crew. A video news idea had been floated by President Allison in a meeting but the brainstorming meeting ended without an intact plan. I formulated an idea to get on-the-ground coverage of the event with my political squad members as a sign of my strength and efficiency as a political leader. Unfortunately, they could not arrive.  

    As I approached the church building I found the mysterious middle schooler the ‘ruling elite’ had talked to at school during my post-election surveillance and vote counting. (I was still confused about how Allison got the swing and spent 6 weeks theorizing the possibility of fraud, like middle schoolers voting illegally.) An internal investigation proved that to be untrue. 

As I exchanged pleasantries with her, I headed inside the church building and experienced the service. As I was walking through the hallway with Denver, the SSA Information Interceptor picked up key information that would change the course of the school and that led to the greatest deal in American, maybe even world history, “I wish Nadalyn was here,” exclaims Denver. And just like that, a rizz weapon is officially on the proverbial hypotherotical table. 

   I go over the deal with Denver. We tell him first and foremost that most of the time SSA is anti-teen dating, but we will make an exception in exchange for information. Seeing that Nadelie and I are key allies in the 10th-grade region, the agency can potentially make Denver + Nadalyn work (by work we mean it will crash and burn in 2 months, not 2 days). Denver agrees and the plan is set in motion to subtly mention Denver to Nadelie in shared classes. However an even sweeter, or should I say, umami deal is struck on Friday. 

Two days after the largest pro crush for anti-crush operation is kicked off, Denver gets hungry. And when people get hungry they dont make the best decisions (just check the Bible cough cough Esau). Nadelie gives me some of her unwanted pizza and the genius geopolitical idea strikes me. I share some of the pizza with Denver and he hands over the secrets that are soon backed up by our undercover agent. My sibling, Maverik has an alleged crush on Hazel. It's time to interrogate him. Later that day, I share the information about the crush plan with my 10th grade allies, Jayla and Nadelie, and hire them on as our newest SSA agents. However, while things are going well in real life they arent going well in cyberspace.


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