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The Rizz Investigation


A hi tech kid looks at a paper titled rizz

0900 hrs SSA Mobile Communications Device Center August 2023

‘rizz’ is one of the most prevalent forces of the 21st century and it would behoove SSA to investigate it and weaponize it. It's the nuclear energy of the 21st century.

@TheTechBoy Teens of CSM, tell me what you know about rizz so we can investigate it.

SSA Notes LV 1 For Public Release ‘Crush Theory’

Crush theory is a theory that works off the ally theory, the ACDS, and the avocado property. It states that if someone has a crush on you (and you are friendly with them) be friends with them, the crush will subside as they find flaws in you AND that they will do things for you easier than a regular kid. 

(This was tried in Discovery Mountain but failed with a kid trying to get info out of someone) 

Of course, this cannot be used on someone like redacted  when the theory is that she was doing it as a power play if you were to crumble to that then-national security would suffer 

This leads to Rizz's research which will attempt to see if RIZZ is a force that can be wielded to the power of SSA. As it is one of the most prevalent forces in 21th century genz culture. A CSM and in real-life investigation is being commenced:

Is it universal? Can it be reversed and projected?     

Subject 1: Interview WIth Katy 9th grade

Rizz is a force that works universally only if the two people like each other already. It is a catalyst but not a force you can wield.

Girl 2. It is a force it can be used in reverse…….(more info needed)  

CSM Kid (Boy)

Replying to @thetechboy

interesting questions. I like to frame it within the ideas that Shakespeare gave to us. "Some are born [with rizz] , some achieve [rizziness], and others have [rizziness] thrust upon them." (SSA Commentary: So all of the above

I fall somewhat within the first two categories. I was born with rizz, which is a given, but to some degree, I had to work for it. Like a potter works with his clay. (Essentialy rizz is a talent that you have to master) 

As for if it works universally, or only with one individual at a time, I would say one can do both, with a little work. As a bio-luminescent jellyfish emits light, usually the rizz drips off of the chad at all times. This, however, can be focused on a particular subject, but must be done with care. Sometimes the girl is overwhelmed with rizz, and is immediately thrown into a seizure and a temporary coma as a result of the 'Over-Rizzifying Factor." (potential SSA opportunity?)  I have never had this happen as of yet, but I've had a few close calls



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