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What Is SSA? #SSALTW!!!

     I imagined the chants and the press conferences I would give. I imagined the wins I would attain over the other kids. I imagined my agents standing at attention chanting, “SSA Will Lead The Way!!!” This begs the question, what exactly is SSA? 

Fall 2014 15:25 

I grab the blue paper out of the cabinet and use it to make a sign, wait, no a drop-off box. The sign says Room 16b and I am establishing an operations base, a micronation for this new, fledgling nation. I, Ethan Wild had established a new spy/detective agency as to fight terror, to gather evidence, and to take down homeschool(ish) co-op bully, Jamie Hernandez, called, SSA. 

Stylized in my cursive and signed on every document I wrote at school my reception was not that great and my cover was almost blown. However, this was just the beginning of the greatest, most powerful, intelligence agency the world has ever seen, with dominance at school, at home (which was sometimes the same place as school depending on the year), at church, and at the parks.  

A Few Weeks Later Fall 2014

“Why are you annoying us with this spy agency, Ethan? If it's such a secret why to you be quiet about it?”  “Hmm good point I retort, would you like to work for the agency Eva?” “No thanks.” “Would you like to come to my birthday party?” “No thanks.” 

A few hours later our first threat to our fledgling spy agency has happened. Hiding in the bookstore, I see a teacher approach my mother. SSA has been operating incognito for these few weeks. “Mrs. Wild, I would like to talk to you about your son, Ethan.” As this conversation goes on, Allie approaches me. “Yes Ms. Torres, what about Ethan, he well he has a spy agency and he signs it on all his papers. “(Inwardly) Blast, I knew it would get me caught one day.” “Oh, hi Allie.” “Hi, Ethan, I just wanted to show you this book about spies. Oh, thanks.”

Nevertheless, the fledgling agency survives its toughest test yet. Through verbal comeback and near wars with Jamie, it survived even tougher tests. I do have one regret though….One kid who was super smark I thought he was a Christian so I neglected to share the gospel…it turns out he was not.

Late Summer 2015

         “Mom I really want to go back to that school.” “I thought you disliked it?” “Well, I like it now.” “OK how about this you can go for two classes, but you still have to to the homeschool curriculum  I provide. I reluctantly agree, excited about the new opportunities, inwardly hoping that the kids will listen to me this year and that Jamie is not so much of a bully. 

SSA Tech Investigation No.1 

I get into the car with the Nextbook firmly in place running the latest operating system, Windows 8.1. I will trace the location of the school so I can get there with my eyes closed.


“Why will you not listen to me!!” My friends, seem to ignore everything I say. Nobody cares about my interests. Nobody wants to join the agency, and nobody wants to talk about the new Aluminium Ford F150, claiming that it is not stronger than steel, when it most certainly is. I have the proof from the encyclopedia.

 Nobody cares about PAW PATROL, calling it a ‘baby show,’ and on top of this, my mom sees me screaming at the kids trying to get them to listen. I decide to talk to some new kids. Who lie to me.

I recently decided that video games were a waste of time. Using my Verizon mobile tablet I played some of them but deleted them after a few parental questions. Anyway, I find some new kids who game and talk about their hi-tech gaming ‘basement’ at lunch. I'm intrigued from a technological standpoint. 

Gaming Base

Last year, I had my first computer classes and learned that they are password-protected. This sparks an interest in me to break the password. However, fear and lack of tech knowledge, keep me from doing it. This could be my chance to have a hi-tech spy base.   

Hi Tech Spy Base With Lots of monitors

“So anyway, I have a tablet, laptop, and phone.” I wonder why anyone would need a redundant piece of technology. My mom suggested getting me a phone but I was happy with my tablet. 

“And I have a computer downstairs and there are lots of monitors.” “Yeah, and I go to his house all the time.” I have always wanted to go to someone's house. I have never done that. Being homeschooled and a good six months (and inches) younger and shorter probably caused that. These sounded like good potential friends. However, they lied. I was crushed. 

 End Of 6th Grade SSA HQ:

And that is the end of seeing Abeka. It's time to get to see real people who are not on a video. It's time to do some shopping!!! My time at home was hard, especially in geography. I missed going to school and going to this new school could change everything.

    Spoiler: It did. 7th grade would pose the greatest threat to SSA power ever seen. The most powerful force on the radar and a force that contributed to the creation of certain military and espionage protocols that persist to this day.



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