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I Set My Eyes Towards Glory

 Press Confrence: could you recap your quote brief but desive information based cyber war? 

After fighting terror in cyberspace, "I am in a like/dislike relationship with CSM user @Noone. She posed interesting questions and responses to me but tends to overreact, like now. I posted true statements and my defense of the truth almost landed me in a world of trouble. Due to the nature of the posts, she thought it would be a great idea to contact my parents……and I FREAKED!!!! Wiping everything. She nearly destroyed my online business and YT channel. I was determined to never get played again.

 With cyber war stopped I cast my eyes towards domestic issues once again.

October Student Council Meeting:

High Schools Student Council
Me and PO(G)US Allison

    “No it should be the 23rd” “No!!! it should not be a Thursday!!!” An impassioned debate flies through the air as President Allison deftly leads the Student council meeting. I’m completely disintrestred.

     It's meeting is a plan to get a Homecoming to the school, and I am proven correct. I knew coming in that the main things the GCA PO(G)US should do is be able to work with the administration. I was told by an Allison voter that, Allison has prepared over the summer to bring a school dance, besides Allison has probably seen homecomings as a 9th and 10th grader right? Right? 

        Apparently, the planning did not include a date that would coincide with the Volyleball OR Basketball team’s respective schedules. Nor was a potential cost outlined. Also, I am noticing that this plan is sounding more illegal by the moment as playing Spotify playlists at a paid event is illegal. Even CSM user @Indiania4Life is shocked by this development. Unfortunately for me, my crack political team is super excited about the prosepct of a dance, thus not showing the unity I craved. Allison 2 SSA 1.5

Geneva (VP): "We almost succeeded!!

Clarissa (R): "Im sooo xcited for this. 

Maria (R): "School was alot more fin last year it just had a different vibe.

Ava (not Harper) (Secretary of State): let's gooo!!!

They see dances as a fun event, I see them as a potentially (illegal) natsat threat.

    Essentially: The political and espionage wing of SSA have two different reasinings. I would be politically detrimentaly for me to date someone at GCA. Firstly it would be a VIOLATION of the Constitution (except in a time of war or espionage) showing that I do not keep my promises and secondly it would give some random unvetted girl leverage over SSA. There is an unwritten rule in the SSA Constutiotion that it is unlawful to lose to a teen girl. It is completely unacceptable (especially because an entire division of the agency is dedicated to the investigation of them).

     However, politically speaking, it would be disastrous to say, Hi, I’m Etahn Shay and I’m going to ban school dances. (Believe me, after the election, I once joked about extending the school day and people, including the Secretary of State, freaked out.) 

     Although I'm more of a Wideband political person, this was my strategy back at Energizer High. I am a public servant and I work for the will of my (not crazy) constituents. So I would have done the will of, like, 1 person. If they want a dance, I will set up and work a dance.

     After the banter, nothing got done. We had not date or estimated price, or an ‘Approved Christian Music’ playlist. Nor did we discuss any other pressing matters to the school, such as the natsat threats of the phrase natsat.  (There was a student named Nadelie and people mite think the phrase natsat stood for Nadelie satellite or something stupid yo try to ruin the good name of SSA. Just like [redacted] Nika did back at Liberty Prep causing the groundwork for anticrush rhetoric. Just like her agents that could be watching now...

 Needless to say, the dance got pushed to with winter. I confided in 10th grade representative Maria, that this will keep happening. The school administration will push back the date until spring when there will be no dance at all. I was rightish It was time for some real action. 

    For us to become a great, nay a world power we must have a foriegn policy. Fighting terror would be key juist like how I Liberty Prep.  Upholding pro Denver policies. And maybe I can have a best friend.... I walked down the hall humming the national anthem. On and iPhone far far away...

@Geneva should we form the Glory Christian Academy Merger? (GCAM?)

@Clarissa maybe we should be isolationist? 

@Ava No we should be a power and ally with Ethan.

@Amala maybe we should be low key?

@Maria Is the world ready for a new power??


Jayla: Things are moving on the world front....for 10/11th grade!!!

Allison: Homecoming here we come!!


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