GCA World War Gamed

GCA World War Gamed

How Teenage Dating & Crushes Could Inadvertently Lead To A World War: SSA

GCA is on the brink of a war due to the fall out of World War V WWV in which Valerie essentially nuked Hazels popularity and due to SSA declaring war on Molly for blackmailing and assaulting Denver. 

  1. Fallout

    1. Valerie has been ‘kind’ and ‘nice’ to Hazel after the fallout of WWV which left Hazel with  neutral to unpopular ranking in the school and Valerie untouched 

      1. Historical application: Marshall plan when the US helped European countries after the Second World War. Valerie is more like the USSR which had their own plan and nuclear technology. This makes her volatile.  

      2. This means that if war were to break out there could be 2 scenarios. Valerie could for Hazel to team up with here (either on the side of Molly or us) or they could split 

        1. If they team up the anti/neutral Hazel people may fight against whatever side Valerie chooses  

          1. If Hazel fights against Valerie, Valerie may have plenty of anti Hazel on her side.   

      3. It would probably be best if Hazel stayed neutral in this conflict

        1. Historical Application: France in World War Two they were one of the major powers but got beat really badly kinda like Hazel 

      4. Valerie could team up with SSA which could pit Hazel against us or for us 

        1. Historical application the USSR switched sides in the Second world war. Val was on the side of Molly in the Battle Of The Goldfish but could switch to pro Denver factions. 

        2. Some people on the anti/neutral Hazel  side of things may come to the SSA side as they are pro me and can be neutral towards Hazel in this context.  

  2. Kenny Wanting To Date Valerie

    1. This could drag Kenny into whatever side Val is on depending on if she switches. This may also bring the rest of 10th grade in which is also anti/neutral towards Hazel. This could mean that Hazel is on the pro Denver side while Val and 10th grade team with Molly.

    2. However SSA is allied with D in 10th grade and if we stop this ‘dating’ in its tracks or Kenny gets fed up with the unpredictable volatility of Valerie they could team with us.

      1. If D teams up against SSA this could bring Allison into the war though unlikely at this point.

  3. The threat of Hazelfyig

    1. If the pro Denver faction and SSA are close Hazelfying, Molly, Allison may step in to prevent that from happening. If this happens the volleyball team could unify and fight against the SSA teams. There may be some stanuch holdouts (Clarissa, Amala, and the proDenverers on the team) 

    2. Pro Denver supporters on the team up with SSA while some outside the team may stay dangerous.

      1. Dangerous political precedent as the VB team is full of pro Allison and potentially pro Molly supporters.  

      2. However the team may break up, the season is almost over and the bonds won't be as strong. 

    3. International Support will be low unless 2 kids force sides though thous could be more grade based.

  4. 12th Grade Repercussions

    1. 12th grade will mainly stay neutral as no 12th graders are officially on the team.

    2. However if Clarissa supports SSA and Pro Denver movement then Josh and Corbyn may tenuously support SSA 

  5. Middle School

    1. Maybe slightly pro me but I saw Kaia after school although they were seen talking to Molly a month ago.

      1. Def one support will be pro Hazel which could be good if she is on SSA side and Val is on Molly side and the war may be evenly matched or more on the side of Molly.

  6. Potential Matchups:

    1. SSA, pro-Denver, Valerie and Hazel vs Molly, Pro Allison Side of 11th grade, anti-Hazel VB kids 

    2.  SSA, pro Denver, Hazel, vs  Molly, Pro Allison Side of 11th grade anti Hazel VB kids and Valerie

    3. SSA, pro Denver, Valerie  Molly, Pro Allison Side of 11th grade anti-Hazel VB kids,    Hazel neutral 

  7. Anti Denver Factions

    1. Kid who took his bag may team up with the other side, thus bringing in 9th grade to that side. 

      1. Special Agent Maverick may team with SSA if Hazel is on our side.

  8. Repercussions:

    1. More violence towards Denver and political fallout between me and the 11th-grade majority 

    2. 10 and 11th grade will probably feel the most of it as the VB team, stugov, and the general population all reside in these grades

    3. Elections next year may be weird as popularity levels drop. 

  9. Prevention:

    1. Raise Hazels popularity to normal levels so Valerie has no control over her so much. Do the same for Denver and try to deescalate Molly from retaliating. 

    2. Prevent ANY crush leaks emmenting from SSA so that the pro and anti factions don't  get anymore confusing and there is SSA infighting. (Me vs Maverick) 

    3. Have undercover agents and Clarissa brief on what's happening before its happening

      1. Julian and Lev fight see what the sides are so this can get updated.  

  10. Graphic representation

SSA DOD Transmission Finished 

@Geneva Tensions are high
@Clarissa It's Almost Time 


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