One Nation: Under God


Ethan Shay Given A Presentation

  When in the course of human events it become necessary to form a Constitution to lead your spy agency. The rules have to be made to justify SSA actions and adapt to the new school power.

Energizer High 2023

    "Mr. Campgain manager sir!!" "What's up Ethan?" As you know our loss to Lily was unfortunate. However I am still the controlled opposition to the policies of the school." "Yeah, also stugov is slow and ineffective." "Exactly their one event was outsourced to another club."

    "Yeah, you would be a better president anyway," says, Taft. "Despite your policy positions on LGBTQ, says Paris." "My policy would have been the same across the board, no special treatment.  All I said was that I belived it was sinful. It is not my fault that 2 months ago yall thought it would be a good idea to act like I was running for Governor of TX. Anyway, I'm writing a new constitution for SSA. Though we are unfortunately limited in scope due to the actions that Ma took last year."

"Anyway, here is the Constitution. Thoughts?" "Well, here it says that room 16B is a Christian nation. What about non Christians?" "Hmm..."

Glory High: Nov 2023 Internal Press Confrence

     As GCAM rises to power we need a Constitution that is mapped to that re-emergent SSA. SSA took a hiatus from being a spy power to being an evangelical power. Now that we a back in the land of sanity...ish we must finish our document. We have place prompts onto our AI bot and it has given us reasons the Note 9 as the national phone!! Also, Denver and Maverick did not want to sign on so this will be ratified 100%. This was typed on a computer just like the Declration Of Independence in Adventures in Oddyssey, and we found a compromise to the campgain managers query amd have changed the Constitution away from freedom of religion.

General Rules

SSA/Room 16B is a Christian Nation therefore the 10 Commandments apply as rules here.

Voting shall be about every 4 years

The next oldest shall take control of general operations after phase out unless he is deemed not capable

Literally anything can be a national security threat. [This is done to classify other threats that arise without meetings]

Things that regard the whole of SSA must be voted on by the general

New agents cannot be added by people lower than level 5 without a sign off from a level 5 [data security purposes, prevents other agents from hiring]

Temp agents can become agentized by anyone. (Agents who help with some missions) EX Levey Park. [For temp missions such as tag or controlling a stationary base such as the one in 8th grade, or the gym]  

Foreign Policy

Nikki doctrine and Avocado property come under the ACDMS/Ally system. Teen dating is strongly discouraged due to national security threats and the sheer idiocy of it.  [Avacado property is a calculation that proves the illegetamacy of teen dating]

Foreign policy can change and must be for the good of the nation and agency.

Don't share too many secrets with kids who are temp agents.

Undercover invasion of groups can be done secretly.  


  1. We have the right to keep and bear foam weapons including Nerf guns that shoot balls.
  1. This also applies to drones  
  1. Freedom of Christianity and religion etc.
  2. We shall not declare war unless the strike has been initiated by the opposition
  1. The opposition can strike SSA directly or indirectly WHICH would lead to a declaration of war.  
  1. Espionage can be done on any party without authorization of any party except SSA.
  1. INCLUDING electronic and physical espionage on agents AND non agents. [Used to justify school espionage]
  1. Violation of the stated rules (ie anti dating) can be utilized in a time of espionage or war. [Ex setting up Denver with Nadelie to get info from Maverick]
  2. Any attacks on SSA either physical OR digital are prohibited
  3. Metallic Body searches are legal under SSA law.

The national flower is the Rose.

The national phone is the Galaxy Note 9 which symbolizes strength, dedication, resilience, productivity, and dedication to espionage.      

     @Geneva Do you think that Ethan is ramping up for something. He was getting a Constitution signed today

      @Maria IDK hope it doesn't involve us

      @Clarissa look at this reel

       @Maria OMG that's so cute ๐Ÿ˜ 

Internal Press Confrence

        The new Constitution is ratified. We shall become a new nation, like the Kidsboro of old. I hope GCAM and Denver are ready as big things are coming. We are going to bless the school with victory and peace and eradicate this cold proxy war one and for all. GCAM shall be installed as defacto leader of the free school with SSA as espionage and military back up. 

    One nation under God indivisible!! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our motto In God We Trust. SSA LEAD THE WAY!!


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