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One Nation: Under TikTok

An kmahe that had 5 girls that says GCAM
One Nation: Under TikTok


     Press Conference: The era of Pro Clarissa policies is here!!! SSA must be aligned with those values and align together with Denver, Clarissa and the Vice President..... 

     When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...

          Texting Network

@Geneva: It's go time.

@Ava: Let's goooo

@Maria: united we stand 

@Clarissa divided we fall

@Amala Alright let's do this👍 

    I arrived at the lunchroom on the lookout for Sienna and conversed with Agent Nathaniel. "Hello, secret agent." "Hello sir," he says while saluting. " "Has any bilateral contact has been made with Sienna and Maverick?" "What does that mean?" "Um have Sienna and Maverick talked to each other?" "Oh, no they haven't."

    After leaving him I notice a commotion in the center of the room and from the far recesses where Ava and Maria sit adjacent to Sienna. Within seconds a previously unpopulated sector of the school has created a new nation bordering the sovereign 9th grade federation.  A new era is upon us a new day has dawned.  Events like this don't just happen, this is monumental and historic. For starters, this could change the power structure of the school. A new group was formed with the top 5 politicians in the school, in the perfect cross-section among the key swing grades, none of them affected by WWV. 

    This split also begged the question, why? Why would Geneva, Amala, and Clarissa leave the larger group? While it made sense that Ava and Maria would join a larger federation with aspirations of potentially becoming president next year, the split did not seem politically advantageous to the VP and her compatriots. I quickly get boots on the ground to investigate the new nation bordering 9th grade. 

"What happened?" 

"Ahh!! H..Hi Ethan don't scare me like that." 

    "Sorry, I just walk quietly. So what happened?" "What do you mean," chimes Maria. "Well, I noticed you split from the main table in the center. Why did you do that?" I notice Denver making faces towards me so I signal the universal anti-crush sign. "Oh, we just wanted to sit together." "Yeah we just wanted to sit together don't ask about it," chimes Clarissa helpfully. "Oh ok." I walk towards the now halfway-empty table to investigate.  "Do you think he will stop investigating?" "Ha ha Ethan?? No way!! We are fine for now though."  "Hey did you see this IG reel??" Oh yeah that Fashinova outfit looks good." "Yeah." "I was following this kid on TikTok and..."

    I catch up with Jayla as we are lining up for our next classes. "Hi Jayla, Nadelie!! Do you know why Geneva, Clarissa, and Amala left?" "No idea they just left." "Yeah!!" "Hmm interesting. Thanks Jayla, Nadelie." 

    I pondered this throughout the entire day coming up with code names to call the new alliance, finally settling on GCAM, stylized as GCAAM for the double A's (Ava, Amala) in the group. The name is also memorable, easy to pronounce, and is the name of an Android application. Next, I consider the natsat ramifications of this group.  The agency will back this group obviously as an extension of the pro-Geneva and pro-Clarissa policies already in place. Secondly, this alliance is the extension of the GAM plan, essentially a plan that had SSA ally with loyal student council members for votes and projects such as GNN.  

    On paper, GCAM was the most powerful and influential group in the school. My spy expertise and their connections SSA would lead the way not only politically with GNN and a winter dance but would lead the school in counterterrorism and make the school a safer more peaceful space.  However, this plan caused severe instability. If the split had been geopolitically motivated or GCAM did not mesh with each other disaster ensued. 

    The political vacuum meant that a new leader could emerge from the now-new group left in the center. Would it be President Allison, who SSA was neutral towards but viewed as friendly opposition in the geopolitical space? Would it be senator Vera, who was pro-Allison after losing her presidential election bid? Was it Jayla a rising power, who was SSA allied? Or would it be someone like senator Molly who lost her election bid to VP Geneva and a month later smacked Denver in the face with a shoe, or Valerie as conniving as her Adventures in Odyssey namesake? This situation needed strength. 

                                        Texting Network 

@Geneva We did it!!

@Clarissa For now. But Ethan is gonna find out yeah

@Genava especially if war breaks out. 

@Ava Exactly  

@Maria Hopefully we get a winter formal

@Geneva Yeah. anyway lets do this ilylsmy

@Ava I pledge allegiance 

@Geneva to the flag of the GCA AglaMation

@Amala and to this republic 

@Maria For which stands 

@Clarissa One Nation under TikTok 

@Maria with liberty and IG reels for all!!!

                                                     Press Conference 

    A new group has formed in the halls of GCA that placed the five most influential politicians under one federation. The agency is allied with them and sees them as a key priority as we head into the Thanksgiving break. We are currently monitoring all threats and hope that a free exchange of information is initiated for the national security of the school. Furthermore, investigations are being done to probe why GCAM formed and if the 'Great Split' is important.  For God for Glory and for GCAM!!!!



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