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Operation Friendship Pt 3: Strategic Bilateral Coperation


Locker Surveliance

   I tried to get to school extra early today. The SSA has created a new program called Lockerspy. With an old cellphone tapped into the school's network, we can hear and see everything in a locker and, if positioned correctly, even see out of a locker. This would help tremendously in our investigation.

"Hi Denver!" 

"Hey, what's up?"

"I brought an old LGV40 today. We can place it on your locker, front camera forward since the back ones are broken."

"I don't know, Ethan. I don't really care that much about the stolen bag."

"But come on, think about the state of the school! Think about who you are! GCA's first 9th-grade appoint..."

"I don't care about that, Ethan. It's not a big deal. But we can do it for one week."


    We attempted to sneak upstairs to the school before announcements, but the administration stopped us. After the pledges, we raced upstairs before our suspects saw us. We covertly headed towards his locker, implanted the device inside, and paired it with my mobile cellular device. We set it to conserve battery and record to the cloud, then we waited.

    At lunchtime, we reviewed the footage and ensured that nobody accessed the locker’s contents, which they hadn’t. I also scanned the lunchroom, on the lookout for any potential suspects. During gym period, I caught up to Denver at his locker with my laptop in tablet mode and my Bluetooth headset in my ear. It’s scientifically proven that walking fast with a tablet can make you look smarter. I discussed the details of the case with Denver and raced to the locker room while en route, a chemical attack ensued.

    "Get down!" Valerie and Myla were spraying each other with hair spray while important dignitaries—Vera, Denver, and I—were walking. "You almost assassinated the political opposition! I told you that student council needed Secret Service protection! Well, no matter, as if each of us got about three agents assigned to us, the whole school would be protecting us!"

I raced to the locker room and sneaked in to wait for the boys to file in. Unfortunately, they didn’t leak any information about the missing bag, though they did ask me inappropriate questions. (Gen Z uses a weird brand of English, honestly.) As always, I evaded them expertly or pretended not to know what they were talking about, diverting the conversation away from their mischief.

   After heading downstairs, I tapped out a coded message to Nathanel. Tb hcfgnvef gb qrairef ybpxre. After he did that, I showed him the footage, and we strategized on who could be behind the theft.

"So, Nathaniel, who do you think is behind this?"

"I don't know."

I pulled up CrushNET DB on my laptop and showed it to him. "According to this, the POG(US) is in a bilateral relationship with someone pro-Denver. Vera is bilaterally external. Denver only has external on Natalie and Jayla, per the JNC principal. So, a crush is not affecting the case."

"What's a Pogus?"

"It stands for President of Glory Christian. Most of the school is pro-Denver, though he is tipping into the polarizing category. I am the leader of a free school and rank high with Allison and other political elites. This could cause a power vacuum that places Denver unnecessarily high, leading to 9th-grade jealousy. Jealousy that could lead to bag theft. Pay attention and stop gaming."

 The agency investigated the lead Nathaniel gave us. We also followed up with Valerie and Molly, but no leads emerged. In the end, we concluded that some kids from basketball had moved it there when we went to see GNN. At the end of the week, the camera was removed. The case was closed, but the SSA strove to provide even more protection.

  Press conference: "The safety of the school is most important to SSA. Our advanced tech is more powerful than any other. Pro-Denver, pro Clarissa policies will go into full effect, leading to greater collaboration in the 9th-grade space and the global space and will foster bidirectional friendships. For God, for Glory, for SSA!"

 "What tech has been used in your investigation?"

  "CrushNET and our LockerSpy software. Not to mention the Galaxy S22 Plus 5G. This is one of the ways SSA continues to lead the way every day. SSALTW!"!! For God for Glory for SSA!!! "What tech has been used in your investigation?" "CrushNET and our locker spy software. Not to mention the Galaxy S22 Plus 5G. This is one if the wasy SSA continues to lead the way every day. SSALTW!!"


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