The Note

    When the note appeared SSA was instantly placed on high alert. After swearing off the ground to air crush tinted ballistic missile a note from some kid appeared.  Unfortunately, the agency did not have a file on the kid because she was in middle school and we were focused on the high school theater. 

    While I was pledging on my phone a note was traversing the internetwork of the school making its way toward the edges of the 9th grade democratically controlled area, traversing around the middle schoolers and past the 12th grade controlled area, like island hopping in World War Two or a black hat hacker bouncing off other computers to complete his hack.

    The note then arrived in Bentley's possession. Some middle school girl gave it to him as pointed wildly at one if the new kids. "Hey what's that?" says Denver. Bentley opened the note and examined the contents. Its results were shocking. 

    "It's a love Maverick!!" "Hey!! Let me see that!!" Bentley showed it to Maverick. The note was filled with terrible pickup lines about the 36th most populous state and dotted with hearts. This was the work of a true nerdowell. I was instantly on the scene scanning the note into my phone for later analysis. 

    "Hey give that to me!!" As I was examining the note, which was on unique Hello Kitty paper, potentially making our suspect a high schooler, Camilla, who was dating Dash, who previously dated Hazel, which as you may recall led to a world war. Also, Dash was kinda violent towards Denver, albeit Denver claims it was in a playful way, which could lead to increased violence in the Valerie-controlled area.  I rushed to investigate the area as fast as I could. 

   Meanwhile, the 9th grade controlled area was concocting a plan to write a fake note toward the suspect. That was SSA could obtain a sample of the kids writing. I placed my national security advisor, Jasper, to lead the plan to find the person. 

    Fortunately, Camilla confirms she does not have that type of Hello Kitty paper, and I make my exit. Before leaving, I place rabbit ears above President Allison for a while, 5 seconds, before other kids tell her to look behind her. Upon my arrival, I start interrogating Maverick about his relation to our suspect Sienna. He assures me that he has never met the kid. 

    Simultaneously, the note has traversed, a la Bentley, to Siennas...plantation. The note a forgery from Bently purporting to be from Maverick claimed that the feelings were reciprocal and he viewed her with the same ridiculous play-on-words pickup line about the state that Brett Cooper films. 

   When I got word of this I scoped out the area with my monoscope and marched with authority toward Siennas area and confronted her.

 "Hello, Sienna. It appears that Bently has given you a note. I request to see said note so that I may scan it into my files." "Who are you?" "Ethan Shay, SSA. I also notice that the note sender is sitting here and you have Hello Kitty paper that matches the note in question." Ohh hii Ethan haha yeah I wrote that." "Do you have a crush on Maverick?" "No. Never met him." "Why did you send the note?" "I don't know tease him maybe...also I know Bently wrote the note..." 

"Ha ha yeah how would you like to work for the agency as an informant. Provided you stop sending notes." "OK fine."

After briefing 9th grade on the issues and the security risk, Sienna was added to our files, Maverick was placed under more stringent protection and surveillance by the agency led by undercover agent Nathaniel, and we headed upstairs. 

    Some 10th graders wanted a briefing, so I walked down the halls shielding Denver and Maverick from reporters or stink attacks. I made an official statement: "Maverick does not have a crush on Sienna. The threat has been neutralized, and ACDS has been mobilized." 

SSA News Lv 3 secure.

"The threat has been neutralized and ACDS has been mobilized" This was the scene in the hallway when the leader of SSA boldly proclaimed that they were a "force to be reckoned" and that crush mounted attacks would not be tolerated as he shielded Denver and Maverick from questions. 

  Exactly, this comes minutes after he swore off allegations of having a crush on the VP, citing 'this is not a time of war' preventing for the situation from becoming a Nikki-style war. He is not playing around and this show is vital to preventing world wars with Valerie and keeping everything peaceful. He claims it is part if the peace through strength initiative. Let's cut to the speech. 

"SSA is the greatest agency in the world. We will not have crush attacks happening all the time. We will be 'blessed with victory and peace' and GCA shall remain secure. The Anti Crush team will conquer any threat we must as long as our cause is just."

   Now, upgrading to Lv 7 security SSAN has gotten word that a new group is in the works.GCAM, and that Myla and Elijah are beginning to mobilize in response to the ACDS force projection....


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