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GCAM's Gambit

I arrived at school on a mission today. Firstly, to protect Sieanna from Val and Molly, and secondly to promote GCAM as the alternative to the Molly/Val alliance, and even over jVn. This would help the agency get an information deal from GCAM so our intelligence would be even better in the coming months, plus with Allison's departure the agency needed a hedge against Senator Vera and VP-hopeful Molly.

 Our agents in jVn, Jayla and Nadelie haven’t provided any key intel as of late, and the agency hasn’t made any money yet. While we solved a few cases and enacted protection, the agency would have to diversify to become profitable. I decided, that over the Christmas break, that we would plan new strategies to make money, ones that were not solely dedicated to intelligence gathering. The gas station near the school was a popular place to buy food, maybe Kaia and I could have a delivery business….

 Perhaps, I could become a student council consultant….maybe @clara, a fellow teen on CSM could help here. Teens of CSM helped with the brief 2023 Energizer high political campaign, that switched to Glory High in August, the rizz investigation, and after that brief cyberwar with @Noone, I was back to commenting and sparking debate on the site on if Nikki Hazel Hayley was a good candidate and is cussing is a sin. Besides, my streak was at over 100 days and I had to log in to keep beating @Clara

Thirdly, our longterm plan Operation Friendship was taking place behind the scenes. By convincing GCAM I was on their side by providing intel if they wanted, Denver his protection from rivals, then perhaps we could achieve the goal. However, I would have to pour over legal theories first, particularly the Make Friends Act (2019-2022)..

Nonetheless, the agenda of the day is clear. Get GCAM in front of a camera and on TV. Today we will be talking about the greatest app of all time, Beeper Mini!!! I will survey the kids about their use of iMessage and then GCAM will present it. At lunchtime, I take the poll and see that most of the people at school use iPhones and iMessage. I head hp to the studio keeping an eye on Sieanna and walking with Denver. Fortunately, there are no chemical attacks this time, though we have to look out for Elijah and Mylah who have colluded to launch crush attacks on SSA.

As I sit in the study hall, I go door to door to see if it is time to film. Unfortunately, GCAM can not do it…which means I have to go to backups. Hazel, Denver, Jasper, and Maverick…oh dear. How am I supposed to push pro-GCAM policy….without GCAM!!! Oh well, I have to make do with what we have.

I get them into the studio, knowing full well that with the ongoing war, Hazel is in a precarious position. Having to defend her, Denver, and Sieanna would be a monumental task. And why SSA had the intelligence and planning advantage, we did not have the people advantage. Our agents were not as dedicated to the cause, and intel polls showed that Hazel was teetering on the neutral/unpopular line. As for the rest of the group, they were 9th graders, two that were propped up by the agency, and as for the NatSat advisor not a key part of swing grade foreign policy, rather being integral in the middle school. I start off with Jasper.

“Ok, we are talking about National Maine day.” “Why Maine?” “Maine is a great state now say the line.”

“Good Morning GCA today is the last day of school for the year!!!!! It is a beautiful (69-degree) day with a 0% chance of rain!! Happy national Maine day!!. “CUT!!” Wow no bloopers yet, I say to muself. Impressive. Hazel is up next. 3 2 1 ACTION!! “Last week we had an amazing spirit week. Congrats to the student council for putting this together.  Here are some highlights of the arm wrestling competition. In honor of National Main Day here are some fun facts about Maine.” “Why…why were you spinning in a chair??” “I like spinning.” “This is a news broadcast, not a merry-go-round…” Remember this has get approved…In any case, say your facts. The reporters then jump in and out listing facts about the state. “Maine is the 39th largest state by size and 8th smallest by population.”

Jasper then lined up on the side and asked if he could tackle Denver. “No!!”

“Maine is the closest state to Africa and…” Jasper tacked Denver live on camera…for no good reason

“Maine is the first state to see the sunrise.” Jasper closes us out, thank goodness.

“And now for some tasty facts, Maine produces the most blueberries in the nation. 

And it is also the home of the donut hole!!” “Finally, Hazel stops spinning. Do they not realize the eyes of the school are upon them, and the fate of the free school rests in the balance are we spinning around like this is an amusement park convention….Now it is poll time.

Jasper, a Team13er, has a Galaxy S22 Plus, so who better to report on Beeper Mini than him.  “In tech news for the day the mobile application Beeper mini is fighting Apple for blue bubble dominance. After a minor shutdown initiated on the 8th Beeber Mini is back with a slightly different sign-up system. However, as of reporting time, Apple is blocking about 60% of messages sent via Beeper Mini. GNN polling data shows that about 62% of students don't really care about iMessage. However, iPhones seem to be the most popular phones at GCA.”   

“CUT!!” Let's talk about the Bible.” Hoping that we can get a show of strength in this section as this would likely not look good. We would tape the pep rally later. Unfortunately, it would not be a SSA rally, but a basketball one that would celebrate the greatness of our basketball team which had a point deficit of about -300. Jasper ended the video mercifully.

“Quiz Time!! Who is the son of Nun?


A Joshua

B Jude

C Daniel

               The correct answer is A Joshaua. Now Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; and the sons of Israel listened to him and did as the LORD had commanded Moses.” Deuteronomy 34:9

I'm Denver, Jasper, Hazel, Maverick, for GNN God Bless!!” “CUT!!!”


                              SSA HQ Internal Press Conference Lv 7


“So yeah, the video has not yet been approved due to excessive spinning and tackling on TV. We will have to do a reshoot.  GCAM has so much power and influence…yet we have not fully extracted it yet. They should be winning this war!! They have the intel capacity with SSA to beat jVn, yet they have not requested help, so their internals should be strong. According to an SSA intel report, per social media OSINT, communication lines were not frayed between GCAM and the larger populous before the great Split…. SSA still doesn’t have concrete intelligence…so GCAM would have made this gamble by having strong internals, right? Its 5 people spanning the swing grades (10th and 11th) key grades in the school who are each in positions of power should have been able to manipulate the media for a pro-GCAM bent, get the undecided kids to their side, and snuff out Molly and Val's terrorism without SSA help. However, it appears that their intelligence apparatus is not nearly as good as SSA despite having technologically the same capabilities. Reports indicate that they are not planning for the transition for Allison, despite having the Secretary of State on their side, 2 eligible candidates, and access to the swing grades.

Instead, 9th grade is looking towards jVn as a solution (jnc property) while 12th grade is increasingly more isolationist. Molly and Val are getting stronger by the day while GCAM is stagnating. SSA must work overtime to extend our jurisdiction into middle school. As a side note, the agency is still working on accessing the second note. Val’s siblings, Kaia, and the NatSat advisor will keep us paged.

SSA believes GCAM to be the most powerful but they are increasingly losing ground to the opposition. This needs to be investigated….also SSA has not been able to access the GCAMint chat network which could help us understand the purpose behind the conflict. SSA will prioritize a stronger alliance with GCAM as the new year goes on. The intelligence they possess is KEY!! Unfortunately, GCAM appears to be dipping in the polls as the hard isolationist position they have taken has allowed jVn to flourish, which by proxy allows Molly to flourish. It would behoove them to use their key position in the swing grades to prevent terror!! The swing grades are KEY to the school!! In fact, the agency will release a report on why these grades are key to the school, to GCA politics, to prevent terror, and for Operation Friendship.

For God, For Glory, For GCAM!!! 


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