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GNN Christmas Movie

As I spot Myla out of the corner of my eye, I remember the SSA News report I received a fortnight ago… "Now, upgrading to Lv 7 security SSAN has gotten word that a new group is in the works. GCAM, and that Myla and Elijah are beginning to mobilize in response to the ACDS force projection...." ACDS is the anti-crush defense team, known for creating the rizz ray, and responding to the multiple crush-related threats seen this year compared to last year. SSA had taken a 3-year hiatus from this game due to the virtual school and religious/political war over at Energizer High.

In response to the growing tensions, Elijah and Myla have decided to team up in an attempt to destabilize SSA. Maybe for the good of jVn? Maybe to prevent the agency from upholding the GCA constitution and reporting crimes and solving cases. Therefore, this proxy war needed to end faster than the battle of the goldfish. Myla was up first. "Hellooo Ethan, what are you doing?" "Walking, it's a very easy thing to see you put 1 foot in front of the other…" "Let me give you a see what you are doing…" She walks dangerously close. StuGov really needs Secret Service agents. I avoid the attack deftly as Nadelie and Jayla look on. Next, I head towards Denver as Elijah looks on.


                GNN HQ DECEMBER 2023

"Ok, guys, are we ready for our GNN Christmas special?" "Yeah!!" "Where is everyone else? Oh, there you are Clarissa." "I had to do my makeup. Geneva and Ava are doing theirs as well." "GNN is the top-rated news program…in the school of 50 people, that gets displayed in 720p resolution, on a low-tech projector…why are they doing…never mind." "Ok, places everyone!! The plot is as follows: Denver and Maverick will be the tech team and will help rescue the captives. Who wants to be rescued?" "I do," "as do I," chimed Ava and Maria. 

"Ok, Secretary of State," "What?" "That's who you are, Ava." "Oh." "Anyway, you will be in front of this display with representative Maria. Then there will be a plane that comes to rescue you here." "Plane?" "Yeah, Denver, CGI was too hard so…maybe Maverick can pull you in the chair while you hold my night vision goggles." "I forgot about those." "Yeah, everybody wanted to play with them last time I brought them." "Why…do you have Night Vision Goggles?" "As the leader of the free school, security and espionage are paramount…" "Ugh, it's not that serious," chimes Denver. "Yes, it is. You would be a piece of shoe if it was not for me." 

"Oh!! There you are Geneva, you are going to help direct our special agents as they rescue Maria and Ava. Here Denver, here is a headset, and open your laptop to this map page so we can trace the hacked GNN satellite!!! Please remember that we are not going to lie on the floor like the first GNN meeting in September nor are we going to pretend to sacrifice anyone on the ground like StuGov did in October to President Allison!!

Places everyone!! Ava, Maria 3 2 1 ACTION!!" 

"GNN live via satellite reporting from the North Pole, where a grinch-like character has kidnapped us. We need someone to save us, so if you can, that would be niiice…." "Cut cut cut. Remember to transition into the weather. I don't want to have to edit too much. And please, try to sound a little more urgent. You're hostages, not hotel guests." 

 "Ok." "Also, Denver and Maverick be QUIET!! ELIJAH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE." "Hi, I just wanted to know if I could be in the video." "No." "Well, do you want to be my boyfriend?" "No, first of all, this is a Christian school and being gay is a sin. Second of all, teenage dating is a threat to national security and for crying out loud you tried to steal the vice presidential election and violate the sacred constitution of Glory High!!" Ava pipes in, "We don't…have a constitution…hahah." 

"In any case, let's get back to the script."


"Anyway, let's get to the weather for today.

The weather is high in the 0s with lows in the 0s. Oh, wait but for Glory, I think it's sunny and a cool 65 degrees. Also, don't forget to come to history club today. (whisper) hopeful we aren't history I think it's today anyway. It's really dark in here, and I can't really… uh oh 10-4, over and out." "Hopefully we aren't history? (Dark figure walks into frame)

 What does that mean?" 

"Let's just move along. You all can stand up but be quiet on the set. Let's transition back to the GNN studio background. Veep, you are up. No word salads!!" "Let unburden what has bee" "Not right now." "Good morning, GCA. This is Geneva, and I will be covering the rest of the broadcast while GNN special agent Denver attempts to trace the signal and save them." "CUT!! Clarissa, you are up next!!"


"Our verse of the day is Luke 2:7 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. The Christmas play went well. Congratulations to Geneva and Elijah for being Mary and Joseph, and congrats to the rest of the actors as well. Now Let's go to Geneva for the sports details as Denver tries to trace the signal."


"Great work guys, no flubs, oh and crew be quiet. Geneva!! You are Up!!"


"Thank you, The boys' basketball team did great in their game" I look at Denver. "Stop laughing you two losing 87-1 is an accomplishment." Back to Geneva. "And are playing a lot be… Static. The kidnapper says Hi, I'm back. you have five minutes to fi… Unless… Or… Static." "Maverick, please stand next to the LED display so I can show the graphics. Denver, show the live tracking data on the screen. Maverick!! Action!!" 

"In great news to Christians everywhere, Popular Christian audio drama Adventures In Odyssey will be releasing the first episode of the New album on Thursday. Stay tuned!!" "Denver then gets tacked after asking what Adventures in Odyssey is." "Ok guys, Denver come in from the stage at the screen. Geneva, Ava, Maria make static noises on my walkie talkies. The laptop..err teleprompter is there. ACTION!!"


"Great job, team. (Denver walks in) We traced the signal and are attempting to comunicate with them and blow up the base. (BG walkie talkie static talking to kidnapped reporters saying: Move over, we are going to blow up the base. Get clear.) In world news today, a family has adopted a baby that they found in the woods just untimely for Christmas also it is National Gingerbread Day, and I really like gingerbr…." "Cut To the trace!! Maverick get on it." "Never mind, breaking news. GNN has just launched a rocket to destroy the snow base and save the reporters from the Grinch." 

"Yes, I can see the rocket now, and it hit the base. Now, how are we going to get home? Brr it's cold out here…" The reporters then cut the lights and shot the paper snow base down. It's so hard that a teacher comes in and asjs about the noise. The Airforce then drags Denver and Maverick rescuing the hostages on a chair. This is going to talk a lot to edit.

SSA Internals: ACDS improved anti-crush defense and unleashed offense is working well. Polling data needs to rise for our potential faceoff. Also,  How will GCAM rise if this continues....? 

@TheTechBoy on CSM: How can I get a group of kids to share data with me

@Ava Can I see the video

@Ethan: It’s almost uploaded to the server



        @Myla Our plots have been foiled. ACDS 

        @Elijah Not for long


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