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The Calm Before The Storm

  December 2023 

    "Hello Denver, I have something to show you at lunchtime." "What is it? It better not be some SSA thing." "The national security of the school depends on it," his friends tease. "You know it!!" I retort. Valerie is talking to her brother.

    I then go to visit the president. "Hi, Allison." "Hi, Ethan." "What are you doing?" "Oh, not much." "Neat." "Yeah. Do you miss volleyball?" "Yeah, kinda, but I have a tournament." "Hopefully it goes better than the season." "Hey, we won some games." "Three." "Which is infinitely more than the basketball team." "True, I've been to every one." I then go visit the VP.

    As all the kids rise for the US, Texas, and Christian pledges, I notice Molly and Valeria together. While SSA has eliminated the threat of Molly and Valerie, they are still the 3rd most powerful alliance in the school. As the bell rings, I catch up to Denver as we walk upstairs to class to protect him from attack.

    "So Denver, are you excited for the Christmas festivities?" "Yeah." "We also have a basketball game today. Ready to lose?" "We aren't going to lose... badly." As the kids are walking upstairs, Valerie talks to me. "Hi, Ethan. I may be able to come to the church event. There's food, right?" "Yes, there is food, pizza all you can eat, and I know you eat a lot." "Yeah, I had 2 large pizzas with meat." "Yum."

    "Hey, Ethan, what are the school dance plans?" Aiden and agent Kenny ask me. "Myla is not going to take you to a hypothetical winter formal, Kenny." "Hahahah." 

    "Yes, and, as we are working on things, many things, we will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues... and to work together as we continue to work." "What..." 

    "Sorry, that was CNN, not GNN. Nonetheless, rest assured that StuGov is working hard to ensure that we get the necessary funds and approval to get formal approval. The Allison administration is, um, improving its relationship with the administration to forge a new path towards a dance, potentially in 2024." "Ok."

    I meet Denver by the lockers. "Denver, this is the greatest document known to mankind!!" "Is it a Bible?" "Ok, 2nd greatest." "The Constitution?" "Nevermind. This document will show the greatness and power of SSA." "Woo. Whoop de do." "Show some respect, Denver."

When the class lets out for lunch, I march over to the 9th-grade controlled section and reveal this document with Denver.


Cases SSA has been involved in:

Election: Managing the election process to obtain a position in StuGov and maintaining election integrity.

Rizz probe: Probing into the 21st century force of 'rizz' and developing the 'rizz ray' for defense and espionage.

Maverick crush investigation: Obtaining evidence of Maverick's crush through undercover agents, Denver and Nadelie, and trading state secrets for pizza.

Denver and Nadelie get together: Intercepting information revealing that Denver had a crush on Nadelie and attempting to get them together in exchange for information.

Denver protection: Protect him from crush rumors surrounding Nadelie, Jayla, and other kids. Also spying on his locker as something was stolen from it.

Gcam-gca monitoring: Monitoring the most powerful alliance at school and information pertaining to their allies and adversaries.

    "Wait, half of the operations had to do with me?" "Yes, though SSA is working to go profitable soon. We will have business cards and marketing. Also, our global intel is getting better. Myla, Jayla, and Nadelie are helping." "They don't care." "Yes, they do." A classmate looks over, "Wait... did you help Denver and Nad... then use the information to put out disinformation about said events?" "Kinda." "I don't like them though." "Exactly. Also, I forgot to put the note inve—" My voice trails off as I see the National Security Advisor received a note from a 7th grader.

 Sienna has struck again...


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