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Tensions Rising

Lv 3 Secure: SSA DoD Dec 2023

     I set my eyes towards GCAM. Unfortunately, they still have not cooperated with an intel exchange plan yet. Undercover agent Nathaanel thinks that I should bug their table, but firstly, SSA does not have a legal cause to do this, and secondly I need to find my voice activated recorder to do this. I contact national security advisor Jasper, via secure link, about the pending GNN episode.

               @Ethan Unfortunately, the video has not been approved. We will reshoot. Hazel spinning probably screwed us over, and Beeper Mini is down so that may have to be cut.

               @Jasper: Yeah

               @Ethan Ava may be in the next video

               @Japser ok

               I notice GCAM whispering to each other today and heard some rumblings from the president. Tensions were rising high in the school and a peace deal needed to happen. We wouldn’t want the next Hazelfication to happen. SSA must review the state of the school via previous communications with our undercover agent, Kenny, who will help strengthen our relation in the 10th grade jVn adjacent students. 

                              Nov 2023


@Kenny could you send my the pictures from basketball?

@Ethan Y'all better not lose like you did last time? Your pictures are here as is the GNN video link of your interview.

@Kenny could you edit that out?

@Ethan its fine. Lets get down to business


After Maverick breached the security of the phone sending a text about Nadelie, Ava, and Hazel, all 10th grade girls liked to the ‘crush wars’ special agent Kendal confirmed that he did not have crush links to those people citing the national security threat. Thus SSA appointed him as a ACDS ambassador to promote the Nattional security standards of the school.

@Ethan As, ambassador your job is to protect Jayla from the weekly crush attacks as she is a key part of our intelligence gathering apparatus. As you are both in 10th grade you can work closely for national defense. And you will defend me from any rumors that arise. And we will collaborate together to produce ability of the free world.

@Kenny Yes, of course.

@Ethan we will create a communication system and call it Kjm Sat.

@Kenny Can you tell me why the tables split into 2?

@Ethan Myla is kinda in the group but she got annoyed….we may have to Hazelify her…I have top secret Clarissa info

@Kenny huh?

@Ethan Hazelify means to nuke someone like Val did. Her popularity went down do badly that we became her only ally.

@Kenny that was bad

@Ethan that is why now Val has cemented herself as the number 3 most powerful kid in the school after me and the President though intel shows that she is slipping.

@Kenny on the intel side Ava may be dating someone but I will use my national security powers not to let that happen.

@Ethan Jasper will be so disappointed. We need to have a shared spreadsheet to share information. I have my CrushDB. Do you have a Google account?

@Kenny yes

@Ethan remember the info needs to be classified they can't know about the great split…I know why it happened.

@Kenny…reviewing the data now…I don’t think that he is the reason.

@Ethan Ok so my yap about dating and scores was strategic…I was establishing ground for a moral tone and testing reactions.

@Kenny I heard someone had a crush on Maverick?

@Ethan Who?

@Kenny the kid in the red dress

@Ethan ohh Sieanna..yeah she fits the profile. I sent a diagram of where she was sitting.

@Kenny I can confirm that, yes. I need to interview her.

As I distract the National security advisor, Jayla and Denver and Maverick. Do not upload any information about Clarissa even though we hired her a ling time ago. I instruct Kenny to monitor Nadelie and her bf KJ by ‘monitor[ing] the crazy 9th graders’ and preventing fallout from the breakup.

@Kenny you think they will break up?

@Ethan yes they will. Dash was claiming that Camilla was his bff but now they broke up a week later. It was a nice three week run.

               Nov 12th

@Ethan remember the JNC property affects the school.

@Kenny there have been notable breakups over the school. Im investigating as we speak.

@Ethan Well to be fair you have a 90% chance of like surviving a hurricane I mean lightning you have like a 0% chance of finding a girlfriend at GCA that will actually stay with you for more than 2 days. With this variable in mind what makes you think Val, a noted frival of SSA will be any different.

@Kenny: No that Dash’s girl

@Ethan ok ok I guess he is not focusing on himself do you know what the Iron Dome is?

@Kenny No

@Ethan  In Israel it's system that when Israel's enemies shoot missiles the Iron Dome launches missiles at the missiles and blows them up in mid-air. Likewise anti-crush will do the same. We've developed a technology like this which allows us to intercept crush attempts on people that we protect Example: Jayla and smash the crush attempt mid-attack

@Kenny Ok.


Dec 2023 Press Conference:

               And thus Glory High is changing. The war is escalating and tensions are high, but I give you this promise. No crush  attacks will prevail. The jNc property will not be used. Jayla will remain secure No attacks on Denver’s and GCAM’s sovereignty shall stand. Terrorism will not stand and we full support Denver’s right to exist and Denver’s right to defend himself. An Iron Dome of anti Crush will descend around the school. United we stand and divided we fall. SSA shall lead the way!!!

 @Ethan I have Key Information to share with you







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