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  I arrive at school on a new mission. In the wake of the Great Chase, SSA’s trust in GCAM-S was faltering, and Operation Friendship was stagnant with the hypertheoretical trip to Babbling Brook Mall still up in the air. As something like this had never happened, legal precedent needed to be set so I could make a good argument for it. Unfortunately, Ai was being unhelpful so I turned to CSM.

            Some people were commenting about the spy chase and such and I replied to them in kind. I scrolled through the hilarious news stories that were on the site its red and yellow theme gleaming on my S22 Plus, This was truly one of the great sites of the internet, almost as good as GotQuestions. More comments rolled in about the geopolitical tensions of the school.

“If I was the leader of this group, I would try to be kind to everyone.”

“I would start an anti-bullying campaign.”

As nice as these ideas sound, they didn’t grasp the potential power GCAM-S wielded. The overwhelming successes that we could accomplish. We were the majority, we had control of the news, the Senate, the intelligence agencies. We could make Glory great, cut crime down 50 percent, and investigate kids to the fullest extent of the law, all while stopping bullying. Our number one target was Damien and even when SSA and her allies in GCAM-S outnumbered him 6-1, SSA barely escaped with the secrets unscathed. This is why SSA needed to ally with GCAM-S even more to help turn the direction of the school, to help their group, if we could not change, then maybe SSA would have to do the impossible. Invade GCAM.

            Two new students were in the school today a new 9th grader Grant, and a new 11th grader named Hazel. Since old Hazel had left we took to calling her Hazel 2.0. Maybe SSA would be able to collaborate with them. However, we had more pressing issues at hand. Valentine's day was coming up and Sieanna might mobilize. And while 7th grade was going to be a minor problem what with the random students assaulting me in the hallway and the long-range crush attacks, special agent Kaia would keep it under control for us. The High school theater was the big play potential for Summer Damien's relationships being the number 1 problem facing the school. When I arrive back at SSA HQ, I will have to hatch a plan.

During the final ‘free’ period of school, I wander over to GCAM-S’s area where they are talking. Summer is talking to Clarissa and what I hear shocks me. “So yeah, I will be at your house before the game.” I am floored. They just met each other 5 days ago and are already bedt friends. I walk over to get some more information. “So Clarissa, did you tell your parents?” “What?” “That Summer is coming over.” “Oh yeah, just now.” “You can do that?” “Yes.” “Wow, so what are you gonna do?” “Just hang out.” “Doing what?” “I don’t know?” “Are you going to plan something? Some sort of meeting in the school…Geneva do you guys video call.” “Yeah, Ethan I sometimes video call, why?” “Yeah why,” Clarissa chimes in again.” Summer is kinda smiling and laughing. “Yeah, haha why?” “I was wondering if you guys work together to plan things. Like in student councils or events at schools. As the leaders of the free school, ya know.” “No we don’t plan things like that, Ethan,” Maria looks up from her tablet. “Hmm…so your friendship is based on something then. Summer integrated well.” I think to myself, faster than I ever have and ever will. “She, and you all, integrated because of…mutually assured destruction!!” “What!!” “It is a theory I have been working on. All of you, Geneva is like the leader of the group.” “Aww, thanks, Ethan.” “Have access to each other's phone texts and passwords.” “How?” “Clarissa shouted hers back in October and it rhymes with the national anthem.

 You all have information that you don’t want to be leaked on each other. It's mutually assured destruction. Like the USA and the USSR during the Cold war, MAD is what hold your group together.” “I guess, though this really wouldn’t happen.” "No we arent like that," Maria chimes. " “Oh look my mom is here, are you ready Summer?” “Yeah let me just get my stuff.”

Back at SSA HQ I start planning. Summer has integrated so well. Faster than SSA ever has and ever will. I cannot invade GCAM to lead them to a better place. It is obvious that someone else will have to. Maybe someone can be our ambassador. Our number one competitor is not Damien right now, we can outmaneuver him, it is SUmmer. Despite SSA and GCAM-S's longstanding alliance, despite the antics of Summer that were were seeing bubbling to the surface, GCAM-S chose her. 

Why? Maybe it is because of the lack of legal red tape....what with them being able to get to HQ faster than us, maybe it is because of MAD, or maybe we arent as close allies as we thought… SSA had a strong commitment to rules and regulations and that could be hurting us in the long run. Could 'hyperchristianity' be killing our campaign just like it did in Energizer. If SSA continues to be left out maybe sanctions are in order.

@TheTechBoy to CSM 

    Is hyper...........


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