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And For This We Stand


 I arrived at school bright and early today. With a game scheduled for tomorrow, Kaia and I hoped we could make some profit. We were fresh off a brutal three-game road trip.

       According to my script for GNN, "The Hawks traveled 300 miles in three days." I planed on showing some clips of our shooting on screen, but the behind-the-scenes footage was terrible. One of the lines stated, "GCA's defense held BCA to five points in the second half, outscoring them." While technically true, this omitted that the final score was 60-11, and they played their backups in the second half. During that same game, the extremely loud cheerleaders chanted "miss it for me, baby" during our free throws. Fake news was alive and well. 

      On the domestic front, SSA needed to learn more about our new students, particularly the S in GCAM-S. Things had been tense with Summer lately. Though crush-related tensions were rumored, SSA had preemptively distributed anti-crush propaganda. Recently, Summer accidentally cut power to the other half of the school where GCAM-S hung out by flipping a light switch. She was flighty and spontaneous, while SSA was calculating, yet she was winning the race.

Despite SSA's alleged advantages, Summer kept accumulating wins and integrating with GCAM. First visiting GCAM HQ, she even joined student council as a non-voting member (like Guam), and helped "plan" – or rather, discuss with GCAM – our hypothetical prom. The event still lacked funding, and President Allison's ambitious but unrealistic plan for weekly fundraisers hadn't materialized. Could she be planning a presidential run?

    However, SSA maintained some leverage. Under the new rules, non-government leaders couldn't appear in GNN, so SSA blocked Summer from the videos. While Summer was beloved by GCAM, her declining popularity in the broader school weakened GCAM-S.

     Intelligence suggested Damien's influence was growing, making a strong GCAM-S crucial. Unfortunately, GCAM-S showed isolationist tendencies, and I was the only one engaging. JVN had temporarily stepped away.

     During free period, while GCAM-S was on their phones, I surveilled the premises. Then Damien approached – intelligence had predicted this moment, and my special plan was ready.

"Hey Summer, what's your number?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know."

"What about Snap?"

"I don't have one."

"Come on, a girl like you doesn't have Snap?"

After intense pressure, Summer relented. As Damien left, Summer turned to Geneva and said, "I don't know what to do."

I pulled out my laptop, flipped it to tablet mode and walked up. "I've got a plan. Operation Last Chance 2.0. We cannot let this stand."

               Operation Last Chance 2.0 

 On 2.2.24 Kenny asked  for Summer phone number. SSAintel has set up a virtual number to pretend to be summers phone to find out what they are up to. With GCAM(S) approval..or just summer's approval the fake number will be delivered to Damien on a note on his locker. That will read:

 Hello Damien, happy valentines day. This is my number 281×××××××. Don't share this number with anyone. 


Benefits: Keeps GCAM(S) safe for a while

SSAintel knows what Damien is up to

Disadvantages: Disunity among the team, ‘The Great Chase 2.0’  


Clarissa peered over the computer, her eyebrow raised skeptically. "Are you sure about this?"Summer looked even more uncertain, twisting her shirt nervously. "I don't know... This seems like a lot."

"We've got to do something about Damien," I insisted. "He can't keep pushing people around." SSA has sworn o defend the school and defend the school we will!!

"What if he finds out?" Summer's voice was barely a whisper. She was clearly two seconds away from backing out completely.

Clarissa studied the plan, then looked at Summer. Her own hesitation was visible, but there was a glint of determination. "It's not that crazy."

   Summer bit her lip. "I guess... maybe? But what if this goes wrong?"

"It won't," I said with more confidence than I felt. "I've thought this through. We just need to plant the fake number in his bag, wait for him to text, and then—"

"And then what?" Summer interrupted, her shirt now thoroughly twisted in her hands.

Clarissa took a deep breath. "I'll help write the message. I can disguise my handwriting."

I pulled out a burner phone app I'd prepared. "I've got a number ready. Are you guys all in?" "Yes."

     The minutes dragged by as we waited for our moment. I snuck into the gym, heart racing. With practiced stealth, I slipped the note into Damien's bag, then quickly retreated.

    We all departed for the day, a mix of anxiety and anticipation hanging in the air. I stood waiting in SSA HQ for his first move. The chess match was on. And for this we stand we had the moral, legal and political supremacy. A change was coming over the school and SSA WOULD lead the way. 

It was time for Damien to go down.


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