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At Home And Abroad

      SSA had done it. Damien was on the downturn, GCAM-S was still intact and the basketball season was winding down. While this was good for school stability in the short term, SSA’s future still hung in the balance. Even since Summer came to the school, weird things have been happening. The fall of GCAM happens only a few days before Summer arrives? Damien rises only after Summer? GCAM almost destroys SSA’s power….only when Summer arrived? Summer’s arrival was shrouded in secrecy…..her backstory almost as convoluted as Carissa’s….could they be hiding something.

          Who could want to influence the school this badly? It can’t be Molly or Val. Nor President Allison….GCAM-S has the communications technology to do so but lacks the will…..maybe old Energizer High rivals….or was Nikka, and my estranged ally David was striking again…..

         However, SSA had to put this on the backburner. SSA’s profit margins were falling and falling quickly. No revenue was generated by the agency and our cashflow went to our Allies in jVn. It was time to strike, not in Glory High….but abroad, to spread democracy and our SSA values far and wide. If Nikka and her allies from Liberty Prep could influence GCA….I could do the same.

         A few months ago, I walked back into Energizer High to join the robotics team. I noticed the election posters hanging on the wall. My rival, Lily, from the disastrous 2022 election was running again and while I got neat stories like the infamous ‘wafflegate’ when students attempted to bribe students with freshly cooked waffles, breaking ever election and potential federal laws on the books, Lily still won, her competitors less fierce than last year even though the illegal candidates had the backing of one of my rivals, Malachi. SSA had bigger ambitions though, which brought me to church.

           At church we had an area where the teens could talk to teens and play football with them as well. I clutched my cards and handed them out the kids explaining that I would provide free consultation to them and help solve cases. Unfortunately, only a few of the students were interested in winning an election. Hopefully they would fill out the forms and SSA could influence foreign policy. Unfortunately for us there were not many cases and intrigue happening in said schools, when I interviews the students. Adventures in Odyssey was not lining up to real life.

           I returned back to Glory High dejected. GCAM-S was being more and more isolationists and our plans to expand were not working. The agency was already well known enough that the cards that Jayla circulated were not catching well in the school.

      I was caseless, wandering without a point. Time was running out and the SSA GCAM-S bond was weakening. President Allison was frantically planning a prom to no avail. Nobody cared about the GNN nes segments and I was getting bored. It was time to become Morrie Rydell.

            I carved a name into a wooden ornament and placed it into a locker. Then I waited. “Ethan, whats this?” I got my hit. I was gonna be useful again. Denver and I sat down set to decode the SD card on the ornament. “This was taped to the ornament with my name on it.” “Who would do this?” “You didn’t do this, did you?” “No.”

              Denver opens up his pescu MP4 player I gave to him after testing it out. I flash back to the day I gave it to him. “Are we friends.” “Yes” I handed him the player. He inserts the SD card and plays this weird video and has som images I placed on here. Then I take the card and analyze it with my PC. I do some image analysis and note the words Jungle Jam on it.

               Later in the afternoon, Jasper gets wind of ir and analyzes the images. It is buzzing for 2 days until Denver gets bore of it for a day. Everything was going so well until I noticed something……the SD card says it was edited at 12 AM….but….it was in his locker at 3? Could someone be editing it late at night in the school. I wondered until…..


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