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For Hazel!! (2.0)

    A change had come over the school. A few days earlier, SSA intel agent Maverick released a picture of Denver with the name "Nadelie" scribbled over it to Jayla. Jayla, the rising power, posted this to Instagram, causing days-long outrage as SSA attempted to stymie the damage. I returned to base on a mission to monitor each and every Instagram account in the school. Taking note of my newly secured access to Jayla’s Instagram, I used it to trace back into the history of GCAM-S and noticed something weird: the outrage behind the outrage. Shortly before my pivotal election, which intelligence believed helped spark the formation of GCAM-S (the GAM plan where Genava and Ava backed me), pictures surfaced on my screen—pictures that showed GCAM and jVn… together, at Bablling Brook Mall, at birthday parties, pre volleyball games. 

    Lastly, key information information surfaced on my screen, confirming the rumors: Was Summer a foreign agent? She arrived to the school shrouded in mystery, getting dropped off in the middle of the year. She was confused, dazed. Accidentally cut power to the school cause she didn't know what a light switch did, trying to fake a crush attack, and most importantly being the Catylst that caused SSA and Damien to go to war. This hoopla, basketball intelligence, as well as the newly released photos, had one thing in common, forcing SSA to once again focus on the 9th grade, where trouble then seemed to be brewing.

February 28, 2024
    After a long stint without cases, SSA was bored. Tying Summer to potential Liberty Prep rivals or Energizer spies set to dethrone SSA was neat and all, as was collecting intelligence from GCAM, tying them to the school’s longstanding GCAM-jVn war, but no new cases were happening. That was until Hazel 2.0 screamed, “My number is written on the table!” Hazel an ally, with connections to the 9th grade, but had a bit of a stubborn mischievous streak. Her connections to 9th grade meant that it probably was someone in them though she was anti-CGAM, However, SSA intelligence showed that GCAM did not recognize Hazel at all, threat or no threat.

Fresh off the Denver fake case hype, this piqued my interest. Unfortunately, the room didn’t have security cameras, but after talking to Hazel and getting all the information about who had her phone number, I had my suspects: Lee in the 9th grade, Damien in 10th grade, and new 9th grader and SSA agent Kenny. The agency interviewed both suspects, and they claimed to have no knowledge of the incident.

    On the domestic front, things were not going well. As GCAM-S was becoming more and more isolationist, hiding out by the trophy room more and more, they became more antagonistic. As SSA started pushing for Project 2024, hoping for an outing to Babbling Brook Mall, our advances were not being received well. Geneva told a slightly confusing and allegedly inappropriate joke and blamed me for being there to hear it, and GCAM-S subtly pushed me away. As such, I went to the ever-reliable CSM to make some posts:

  • @TheTechBoy: “I want to go on a mall outing, but I have to get approval server-side and get approval client-side as well, as it’s unprecedented and it has never happened.”

  • @TheTechBoy: “Why do people not like me?”
    As responses rolled in, I picked out a few key ones that apparently noted how key it was to make sure what the people were wearing, especially if it was girls—which, evangelicals gonna evangelical. Nonetheless, the advice was okay but wasn’t applicable to the on-the-ground reports. Turning to artificial intelligence computer programs, teen and parenting magazines, and of course Adventures in Odyssey, unfortunately, this didn’t help. On the case front, we received a breakthrough, finding another number scribbled onto the table, adding to the layer of mystery.

    Oh, how I wished I had an S24 Ultra for handwriting analysis. I took a picture of the numbers and did a search on Hazel 2.0’s number. Texting the number, an SSA dialing of the number revealed it to be allegedly a temp number because it came from an Android phone, and an HLR lookup showed that it came from a wireless company associated with a VOIP application, as the number was the number texted to an SSA-controlled VOIP number in OP Last Chance ‘claiming’ to be Donovan.
    This remarkably changed our case because, even though Hazel 2.0 insisted it was her number, I did a cursory search of Android vs. iOS phones as well as a cross-section of tech-savvy kids, which placed our suspect as SSA kinda-sorta ally, Axel. Per SSA intelligence reports on him, he likes pranks, has a Samsung phone, is technically savvy, and is friends with one of the boys in 11th grade who had Hazel 2.0’s number. He also solved the motive aspect, as he likes to make inappropriate jokes and “likes girls.”
    As SSA moved through the lunchroom, we were able to acquit Elijah of potential charges, despite his motive of ‘liking anything with a beating heart,’ as well as Damien. SSA utilized its soft power to send a sheet around, getting people to write numbers 1-10 on a piece of paper and have it returned to us. However, aside from Axel, the motive for this case doesn’t seem to be clear. Why would someone with a crush on Hazel leak her number? Who at the school wants to make her look bad or prank her?
I summoned Microsoft Copilot, which laid out a 9-step plan and some potential motives for this strange attack—it could be a crush attack, according to a chat response. Thus, I devised a game.

    The next day, I implemented my game, getting our 9th-grade suspects to rank random girls in the school: Maria, Jayla, oh, and Hazel 2.0 as well. Lee and Geronimo rated her a 7/10 on the pretty scale. This made Lee a suspect because we could not get his handwriting, nor Geronimo’s. The case was coming to a stalling point. Our suspects were not giving out their handwriting samples, and our agents in 9th and 10th grade could not acquire samples.
    Geronimo, who seemed a bit off, always bragging about the crimes he committed, even allegedly stealing a truck, made him our new number-one suspect. Unfortunately, the school was getting annoyed with the case, as Hazel 2.0 was even getting tired of my investigation, but SSA still persisted showing our dedication to crime solving, as last month the agency investigated $4.40 USD in stolen candy.

    On the business front, Kaia and I were able to sell our snack-getting services for one of the last basketball games of the season, as SSA continued to wind down concession stand operations. In fact, kids were not able to steal when we operated the stand, with SSA even replicating the ‘break-in’ method that Molly used to access the concessions.

At 19:50, SSA left the school, and upon returning, I discovered candy was missing. Authorizing Special Agent Kaia to run this case, I pegged my suspects as Maria, Summer, Clarissa, Cody, and some 8th-grade basketball player. As Kaia interviewed team members, I hunted for clues, interviewing the front office and GCAM-S. After talking to the cleaning lady, all the charges were acquitted, and the candy was found safe and sound the next day.

Present Day
    As SSA focused in on the case, field day was approaching. My scavenger hunt was a success a few weeks ago, and President Allison was working on a prom plan with field day hurtling toward us. As I had joined STEM class a few months back, Allison, SSA post-election/homecoming tensions were dissipating, and SSA was warming towards jVn as GCAM-S cooled towards us. Perhaps it was time to change alliances...but not before we try our hail mary, invading GCAM.


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