
Showing posts from September, 2024

Ethan Shay4GCA: A Presidential Transition Project

  SSA Spy Base Room 16b Lv 5 Secure      Intel reports have come in showing that President Allison may leave the school. SSAINTEL is preparing a report on the state of the school the the potential probabilities of this event happening. The EthanShay4GCA is secretly re-gearing up their campaign, holding off on GCAM negotiations for information exchange, and will help them gain influence in the school. 1.         Presidential Succession a.         StuGov may give the job to VP Geneva and there will be an election of a new VP. If true we expect to see Fmr VP candidate Molly, and Fmr, POGUS candidate Vera run. Molly has been sidelined by a resurgent SSA but could garner votes from Geneva voters. Likewise, Vera may have learned from the mistakes of her 1 st campaign and could gain more votes in an election with weaker candidates. Thus making inroads with jVn, strengthening 9 th and 12 th grade support is pivotal. b.         Alternatively, StuGov may vote i

SSA News: Rep. Shay (S-TX) Live From Glory High

                              Ethan Shay faced the press after a tumultuous student council meeting, one that saw heated discussions about Denver’s personal security and a rehashing of the unprecedented ’23 election. Tensions between SSA and Molly’s camp seem to be at an all-time high, with SSA consolidating itself as a firmly pro-Denver, pro-GCAM force. Shay wasted no time in reiterating SSA's commitment to defending Denver, bluntly stating, “SSA made it very clear that threats against Denver’s person are not to be tolerated. They will be met with force in terms of bodyguards and soft power.” This show of strength signals a shift in Glory High’s political dynamics, with Denver’s safety now a central concern for SSA. However, the real drama of the day came when Shay was pressed on President Allison’s proposed fundraiser plan for the spring dance. While he offered some support, calling the plan “good in theory,” Shay didn’t hold back on his doubts. “We cannot fund imaginary events,”

The Press Confrence

  SSA Press Conference November 2023: Why is the girl (Top center) so sad?      " Ethan Shay, you announced that this school runs on a dating-based economy what do you mean by that?” “SSA is tracking the events in this school very closely. Major wars and splits have come because of dating. Our research indicates that 12% of the school is in confirmed relationships while more people are clamoring to get into one. As such dating has a huge impact on the foreign policy of the school, alliances, and defense. The WWV, for example, where Hazel got nuked, and now we have Dash and Camilla. While people like Denver, potentially Maverick are still attempting to make a play into the game. However, due to the numbers, 9 th grade has to unilaterally look upwards, making 10 th grade a battleground state. In contrast, the 11 th grade is insulated from these ‘attacks’, and for some reason, 7 th grade is attempting to meddle in HS geopolitics.  That’s why 9 th and 10 th grades are so key

Student Council Very imPortant Very Crazzzzy: The Stand Against Terror & We Will Eat Your Newborn

I'd like to call this meeting of the student council to order!!! As President Allison hands out the agenda to us in the GNN headquarters, I can't help but notice the absence of our VP and Secretary. But fear not, for the most powerful man in 9th grade sits by my side. With Ava missing, I start recording to ensure our absent representatives don't miss out on the excitement. The usual suspects are all here: Allison, Denver, Molly, Maria, Avery, and yours truly, Ethan. We dive headfirst into our first topic - the budget deficit and domestic policy. Allison takes the lead, dropping a bombshell that sends shockwaves through our little political arena. "So unfortunately there will be no Christmas formal this year, sorry," she announces, her voice tinged with regret. Molly, ever the optimist, chimes in, "At this point they might say we won't have one at all." I can't help but think my theory about the date being pushed into oblivion has been proven righ

Student Council: Very imPortant pt 1

     "Hello, Jeff." "Hi Ethan." There's a crucial student council meeting today. I can't miss." "Why?" Well as you know SSA runs simulations based on every possible scenario. In fact, doing social media research to calculate the ratios of the classes between boys to girls to calculate the possibility of dating being a major threat to the election. "Uh-huh."      "Of course, those simulations were off by a bit but as you know this school runs on a dating based economy that is not based in reality. Sort of like a fiat currency. Anyway, the government could collapse at any moment due to the volatility of teen dating. As a school power, I must be present for student government. This is doubly important due to the national security implications of Maverick being here. If he came to school and I didn't he could potentially try to overthrow the government and storm the school Capitol from the 2nd floor to the 1st via rappelling lin