
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Calm Before The Storm

   December 2023       "Hello Denver, I have something to show you at lunchtime." "What is it? It better not be some SSA thing." "The national security of the school depends on it," his friends tease. "You know it!!" I retort. Valerie is talking to her brother.      I then go to visit the president. "Hi, Allison." "Hi, Ethan." "What are you doing?" "Oh, not much." "Neat." "Yeah. Do you miss volleyball?" "Yeah, kinda, but I have a tournament." "Hopefully it goes better than the season." "Hey, we won some games." "Three." "Which is infinitely more than the basketball team." "True, I've been to every one." I then go visit the VP.      As all the kids rise for the US, Texas, and Christian pledges, I notice Molly and Valeria together. While SSA has eliminated the threat of Molly and Valerie, they are still the 3rd most powerful a

GNN Christmas Movie

As I spot Myla out of the corner of my eye, I remember the SSA News report I received a fortnight ago… " Now, upgrading to Lv 7 security SSAN has gotten word that a new group is in the works. GCAM, and that Myla and Elijah are beginning to mobilize in response to the ACDS force projection...." ACDS is the anti-crush defense team, known for creating the rizz ray, and responding to the multiple crush-related threats seen this year compared to last year. SSA had taken a 3-year hiatus from this game due to the virtual school and religious/political war over at Energizer High. In response to the growing tensions, Elijah and Myla have decided to team up in an attempt to destabilize SSA. Maybe for the good of jVn? Maybe to prevent the agency from upholding the GCA constitution and reporting crimes and solving cases. Therefore, this proxy war needed to end faster than the battle of the goldfish. Myla was up first. "Hellooo Ethan, what are you doing?" "Walk