
Showing posts from June, 2024

How To Beat Crush Attacks

  Pro Tip: Fighting Unjustified Crush Rumors? Here is a three-step plan for defeating your adversaries.  Scenario 1: Adversaries Are Saying You Have A Crush On Someone   According to Nikola Doctrine don't yap about it a lot but address it when necessary (in front of cameras, giving impromptu press conferences, or asking students.) You can provide a standard ‘No I do not have a crush on (insert name here) or You can also give a great speech about how crushes are national security threats, threaten the free school, and will harm the detective agency. However, be careful what you say as Ai programs or audio editing can by rivals can cause them to misrepresent what you say.   Investigate the rumors by dedicating about 30 to 45% of your available resources to the task. This could be a treat to keep you from monitoring the school for rivals. Major plots such as theft, grade-changing schemes, or new espionage rings to emerge.  If possible collaborate with the other person you allegedly

Crushes Are A Threat To National Security

  As such we declare crushed to be a SSA National Security Threat!! August 2019      Back at Liberty Prep’s camp rumors started swirling that I had a crush on Nika and the recripocal. I refuted the allegations claiming that I had no crush and that if I did it would be on another person. (Pro tip never insinuate that you have one on someone else its bad marketing.) I used science to back my claims showing that the way I was standing and the way she stood showed no interest in each other (thanks Wikihow).      When I got back to school I was prepared to fight. I said that I would not want to crush her because you dont crush people you like. I fought the propaganda that was emitted by either side. Defying conventions, I ‘stole’ Nika’s seat and placed a label under in claiming it for myself. Unfortunately, this forced me to have to sit next to her.          However, the rumors kept circulating throughout the entire school year. I learned that some of the students hade been here since kin

Democracy Shall Stand

      Internal Press Confrence: "It is SSA's duty to protect the school. SSA frival Valerie and her freind Molly were encroaching on the sovereign right of Denver our sworn ally and only 9th grade rep. He has been a great asset to the agency on our investigations. Evil shall not prevail!! Democracy shall stand!! God Bless you and God bless SSA!! SSALTW!!!"       Intro sound Dun dun dun dun...In another council meeting my major moment was here. I had done a test pilot of the news, GNN and had proven that it was feasible to film and edit on a mobile cellular device. I presented my finding in the meeting and a film session and date was approved.     I planned on working with my dream team to make them into the next wave of political action in the school. It was time to implement pro-Clarissa policies throughout the school and make her the political successor…..if it was not for the great split....      In another council meeting my major moment was here. I had done a test pi

I Set My Eyes Towards Glory

  Press Confrence: could you recap your quote brief but desive information based cyber war?  After fighting terror in cyberspace, "I am in a like/dislike relationship with CSM user @Noone. She posed interesting questions and responses to me but tends to overreact, like now. I posted true statements and my defense of the truth almost landed me in a world of trouble. Due to the nature of the posts, she thought it would be a great idea to contact my parents……and I FREAKED!!!! Wiping everything. She nearly destroyed my online business and YT channel. I was determined to never get played again.   With cyber war stopped I cast my eyes towards domestic issues once again. October Student Council Meeting: Me and PO(G)US Allison     “No it should be the 23rd” “No!!! it should not be a Thursday!!!” An impassioned debate flies through the air as President Allison deftly leads the Student council meeting. I’m completely disintrestred.      It's meeting is a plan to get a Homecoming to the

On Cyber

  SSA CYBER COMMAND PRESS CONFRENCE SEPT 2023 "Our devices are secure though we will lie low on the CSM for a while. The channel will be paused and a full explanation will be made, maybe Ai or deep fakes. The danger has passed for now."      So what happened on the CSM. As SSA ascended into a Glory Christian superpower, a dogfight occurred in the CSM. See I had uplinked some information that a @Noone user disliked. I needed help regarding a situation and I got some crazy comments that were fun to read and some genuinely helpful ones. However... @Noone "I don't like your comments and will tell your parents.       Meanwhile, I walked in the school gymnasium where the greatest chases happen and legends are made. I was responding to some comments and got so excited by the 'thermonuclear missiles' I was launching to defend myself that I fell over with excitement. Then I got the notification.      I went into panic mode and advanced to DEFCON 3. I deleted posts and

On Land: On Series Pt 2

  SSAIntel Office State Issues Galaxy S22 Plus 5G 128 GB: "Hi Bixby Record a Voice Note."         This is a list of the potential girls that the agent could potentially have a crush on, cross-referenced with the class list. Melanie is in study hall, Allison is in Bible and study hall, Hazel is in most of those classes and Jayla is in Bible. The agent in question has given us clues to the specific grade. It's time to hire a special agent."    Even though Denver has been hired to help us out, things are not going so well with the experimental rizz ray technology. Our covert operation to create the relationship is receiving pushback from Denver himself. I find a new agent to hire as well just to get conformation. I settle on special agent Nathanael. Agent Nathanael is thrilled to be part of the team. He is already freinds with the kid in question and looks to me as a super leader ready to bring political change to the school. Agent Nathanael is in the 9th grade, the