Pro Tip: Fighting Unjustified Crush Rumors? Here is a three-step plan for defeating your adversaries. Scenario 1: Adversaries Are Saying You Have A Crush On Someone According to Nikola Doctrine don't yap about it a lot but address it when necessary (in front of cameras, giving impromptu press conferences, or asking students.) You can provide a standard ‘No I do not have a crush on (insert name here) or You can also give a great speech about how crushes are national security threats, threaten the free school, and will harm the detective agency. However, be careful what you say as Ai programs or audio editing can by rivals can cause them to misrepresent what you say. Investigate the rumors by dedicating about 30 to 45% of your available resources to the task. This could be a treat to keep you from monitoring the school for rivals. Major plots such as theft, grade-changing schemes, or new espionage rings to emerge. If possible collaborate ...
Your Top Secret Guide To Winning School Elections, Investigating Cliques, and Achieving World Domination!!! #SSALTW